陳曉宏???發(fā)布時(shí)間:2019-10-31 17:02:35

單號(hào):LX*3*95*0*0NL 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國(guó)家:荷蘭 -> 比利時(shí)
2019-10-18 09:42, Item delivered
2019-10-18 08:07, Item in distribution phase
2019-10-17 07:23, Arrival at international office of exchange
2019-10-15 23:58, Departure from office of exchange
2019-10-15 21:24, Departure from office of exchange
2019-10-15 18:42, Item deposited
2019-10-18 09:42, The item has been delivered successfully
2019-10-18 08:30, The item is on transport to the country of destination
2019-10-18 08:07, The item is at the local sorting centre
2019-10-18 07:07, The item is on transport to the local sorting centre
2019-10-17 07:23, The item has been processed in the country of destination
2019-10-16 07:15, The consignment has arrived in the country of destination
2019-10-16 07:15, The item has arrived in the country of destination
2019-10-15 21:25, The item is at the PostNL sorting center
2019-10-15 21:25, The item is processed at the PostNL sorting center
2019-10-15 12:50, Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
2019-10-14 14:03, The shipment is handed over to PostNL
2019-10-10 09:40, The item is ready for shipment
2019-10-10 08:40, The item is pre-advised
2019-10-10 01:19, The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號(hào):LX*3*01533*NL 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (9 天)
國(guó)家:荷蘭 -> 未知
2019-10-17 12:49, The item has been delivered successfully
2019-10-17 10:24, The item is at the local sorting centre
2019-10-17 09:45, The item is at the local sorting centre
2019-10-16 22:22, The item is on transport to the local sorting centre
2019-10-16 12:40, The item has been processed in the country of destination
2019-10-15 12:52, Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
2019-10-14 14:03, The shipment is handed over to PostNL
2019-10-10 09:40, The item is ready for shipment
2019-10-10 08:40, The item is pre-advised
2019-10-08 04:14, The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號(hào):LX*37*7*505NL 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (9 天)
國(guó)家:荷蘭 -> 拉脫維亞
2019-10-18 11:22, Post office Sloka, Deliver item
2019-10-18 11:12, Post office Sloka, SMS message sent to addressee to pick-up the item
2019-10-18 10:47, Post office Sloka, Item received at delivery office Post office Sloka
2019-10-18 00:25, LATVIA, VsC - sikpaku sektors, Item sent to next processing place Post office Sloka
2019-10-17 17:18, LATVIA, RIGA (LETTERS), Receive item at office of exchange
2019-10-16 18:50, NETHERLANDS, Item sent abroad (EDI-received)
2019-10-15 21:25, NETHERLANDS, Item sent abroad
2019-10-15 18:42, NETHERLANDS, Item posted / received from customer
2019-10-08 23:25, AliBaba/Aliexpress informacijas sanemsana, Item received from customer (XML)
2019-10-18 11:22, The item has been delivered successfully
2019-10-18 10:47, The item is at the local sorting centre
2019-10-18 10:47, The item is being held, addressee being notified
2019-10-17 17:18, The item has been processed in the country of destination
2019-10-17 14:52, The consignment has arrived in the country of destination
2019-10-17 14:52, The item has arrived in the country of destination
2019-10-16 13:41, The item is on transport to the country of destination
2019-10-15 21:25, The item is at the PostNL sorting center
2019-10-15 21:25, The item is processed at the PostNL sorting center
2019-10-15 12:53, Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
2019-10-14 14:03, The shipment is handed over to PostNL
2019-10-10 09:40, The item is ready for shipment
2019-10-10 08:40, The item is pre-advised
2019-10-09 01:51, The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號(hào):LX*3*017109NL 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國(guó)家:荷蘭 -> 未知
2019-10-17 15:10, The item has been delivered successfully
2019-10-17 11:44, The item is at the local sorting centre
2019-10-17 10:54, The item is at the local sorting centre
2019-10-16 22:26, The item is on transport to the local sorting centre
2019-10-16 12:37, The item has been processed in the country of destination
2019-10-15 12:52, Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
2019-10-14 14:03, The shipment is handed over to PostNL
2019-10-10 09:40, The item is ready for shipment
2019-10-10 08:40, The item is pre-advised
2019-10-09 01:51, The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號(hào):LX*37919*35NL 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國(guó)家:荷蘭 -> 法國(guó)
2019-10-17 06:00, Votre courrier est arrivé dans le site en vue de sa distribution.
2019-10-17 06:00, Votre courrier est déposé dans la bo?te à lettres du destinataire.
2019-10-16 06:00, Votre envoi vient d'arriver en France.
2019-10-15 06:00, Votre envoi a été remis à notre partenaire postal par l'expéditeur.
2019-10-15 06:00, Votre envoi vient de quitter son pays d'expédition.
2019-10-17 11:55, The item has been delivered successfully
2019-10-17 07:42, The item is out for delivery
2019-10-17 06:19, The item is at the local sorting centre
2019-10-16 20:09, The item is on transport to the local sorting centre
2019-10-16 09:39, The item has been processed in the country of destination
2019-10-16 08:50, The consignment has arrived in the country of destination
2019-10-16 08:50, The item has arrived in the country of destination
2019-10-16 00:43, The item is on transport to the country of destination
2019-10-15 21:21, The item is at the PostNL sorting center
2019-10-15 21:21, The item is processed at the PostNL sorting center
2019-10-15 12:53, Consignment received at the PostNL Acceptance Centre
2019-10-14 14:03, The shipment is handed over to PostNL
2019-10-10 09:40, The item is ready for shipment
2019-10-10 08:40, The item is pre-advised
2019-10-09 01:51, The Item is at the shippers warehouse