Hom???發(fā)布時間:2024-06-01 10:17:55

單號:AT*******02CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:中國 -> 美國
2024-05-25 17:09 SOUTH GATE CA 90280, 已妥投【US CA SOUTH GATE CA 90280】
2024-05-25 07:54 SOUTH GATE CA 90280, 出門投遞【US CA SOUTH GATE CA 90280】
2024-05-25 07:43 SOUTH GATE CA 90280, 快件到達處理中心【US CA SOUTH GATE CA 90280】
2024-05-25 03:45 BLOOMINGTON CA 92316, 快件離開處理中心【US CA】
2024-05-24 08:27 Bloomington CA 92316, 快件到達處理中心【US CA】
2024-05-23 16:35 Los Angeles CA USA, 快件離開處理中心【US CA Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-23 06:55 Los Angeles CA USA, 快件到達處理中心【US CA Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-22 22:32 Los Angeles CA USA, 目的國清關(guān)完成【Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-22 21:32 Los Angeles CA USA, 抵達【Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-22 14:11 HK international airport, 啟運【HK international airport】
2024-05-21 15:41 HK international airport, 快件到達處理中心【HK international airport】
2024-05-21 06:16 SHENZHEN, 快件離開處理中心【SHENZHEN】
2024-05-20 16:28 東莞市, 郵件離開【東莞市國際公司直屬國際營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣商中心】
2024-05-20 16:12 東莞市, 快件離開處理中心【東莞市】
2024-05-20 15:23 東莞市, 快件到達處理中心【東莞市】
2024-05-20 15:16 東莞市, 郵件已在【東莞市國際公司直屬國際營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 14:41 東莞市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
單號:AM*****2***CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國家:中國 -> 美國
2024-05-23 11:53 Delivered, 已妥投
2024-05-23 06:10 [SAINT PAUL,55118]Out for Delivery, Expected Delivery by 9:00pm, 出門投遞
2024-05-23 05:24 [SAINT PAUL,55121]Arrived at Post Office, 快件到達處理中心
2024-05-22 14:48 [HOMER GLEN,60491]Departed Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item, 快件離開處理中心
2024-05-21 13:38 [HOMER GLEN,60491]Arrived Shipping Partner Facility, USPS Awaiting Item, 快件到達處理中心
2024-05-19 09:21 ORD(K4817), 抵達
2024-05-19 03:30 新鄭國際機場(K4817), 啟運
2024-05-18 17:00 新鄭國際機場, 快件到達處理中心【新鄭國際機場】
2024-05-18 14:00 出口清關(guān)完成
2024-05-18 12:00 快件到達始發(fā)地海關(guān),等待清關(guān)
2024-05-17 16:59 保稅物流中心出庫掃描, 快件離開處理中心【保稅物流中心出庫掃描】
2024-05-17 16:07 保稅物流中心入庫掃描, 快件到達處理中心【保稅物流中心入庫掃描】
2024-05-16 08:58 濟寧市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:AT*0**02***CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國家:中國 -> 美國
2024-05-22 18:30 SALINAS CA 93901, 已妥投【US CA SALINAS CA 93901】
2024-05-22 06:10 SALINAS CA 93901, 出門投遞【US CA SALINAS CA 93901】
2024-05-21 13:29 SALINAS CA 93901, 快件到達處理中心【US CA SALINAS CA 93901】
2024-05-20 23:25 STOCKTON CA 95215, 快件離開處理中心【US CA STOCKTON CA 95215】
2024-05-20 20:44 Stockton CA 95215, 快件到達處理中心【US CA Stockton CA 95215】
2024-05-19 23:32 Bloomington CA 92316, 快件到達處理中心【US CA】
2024-05-19 13:30 Los Angeles CA USA, 快件離開處理中心【US CA Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-19 09:30 Los Angeles CA USA, 快件到達處理中心【US CA Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-19 02:30 Los Angeles CA USA, 目的國清關(guān)完成【Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-19 02:00 Los Angeles CA USA, 抵達【Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-18 15:02 RC international airport, 啟運【RC international airport】
2024-05-17 17:02 RC international airport, 快件到達處理中心【US CA】
2024-05-15 16:51 東莞市, 快件離開處理中心【東莞市】
2024-05-15 16:06 東莞市, 快件到達處理中心【東莞市】
2024-05-15 15:51 東莞市, 郵件離開【東莞市國際公司直屬國際營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣商中心】
2024-05-15 15:49 東莞市, 郵件已在【東莞市國際公司直屬國際營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-15 15:24 東莞市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:AT*0***0***CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:中國 -> 美國
2024-05-25 13:33 IRVINE CA 92603, 已妥投【US CA IRVINE CA 92603】
2024-05-25 06:11 IRVINE CA 92603, 出門投遞【US CA IRVINE CA 92603】
2024-05-25 06:00 IRVINE CA 92619, 快件到達處理中心【US CA IRVINE CA 92619】
2024-05-25 03:45 BLOOMINGTON CA 92316, 快件離開處理中心【US CA】
2024-05-24 08:26 Bloomington CA 92316, 快件到達處理中心【US CA】
2024-05-23 16:35 Los Angeles CA USA, 快件離開處理中心【US CA Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-23 06:55 Los Angeles CA USA, 快件到達處理中心【US CA Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-22 22:32 Los Angeles CA USA, 目的國清關(guān)完成【Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-22 21:32 Los Angeles CA USA, 抵達【Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-22 14:11 HK international airport, 啟運【HK international airport】
2024-05-21 15:41 HK international airport, 快件到達處理中心【HK international airport】
2024-05-21 06:15 SHENZHEN, 快件離開處理中心【SHENZHEN】
2024-05-20 16:11 東莞市, 快件離開處理中心【東莞市】
2024-05-20 15:05 東莞市, 郵件離開【東莞市國際公司直屬國際營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣商中心】
2024-05-20 14:46 東莞市, 快件到達處理中心【東莞市】
2024-05-20 14:29 東莞市, 郵件已在【東莞市國際公司直屬國際營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 13:24 東莞市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:TSLSZ**0*******YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (10 天)
國家:中國 -> 美國
2024-05-23 12:43 Fedex, Delivered, Left at front door. Signature Service not requested.
2024-05-23 05:17 Fedex, On FedEx vehicle for delivery
2024-05-23 05:03 Fedex, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-22 20:07 Fedex, Arrived at FedEx location
2024-05-22 17:14 Fedex, On the way
2024-05-22 04:09 Fedex, Left FedEx origin facility
2024-05-21 20:00 Fedex, Shipment arriving On-Time
2024-05-21 19:12 Fedex, Arrived at FedEx location
2024-05-21 14:11 Fedex, Picked up
2024-05-21 11:25 Fedex, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-21 10:00 Fedex, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-20 17:21 Fedex, Flight has arrived
2024-05-20 08:26 Fedex, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 09:00 Fedex, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-17 14:37 Fedex, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-20 11:00:00
2024-05-16 19:00 Fedex, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-16 10:04 Fedex, Item accepted.
2024-05-16 09:00 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-15 21:39 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-14 09:43 Fedex, Item information received.
2024-05-14 09:42 The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號:TSLSZ**0*******YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (9 天)
國家:中國 -> 美國
2024-05-24 12:46 UPS, Delivered
2024-05-24 09:24 UPS, Out For Delivery Today
2024-05-24 07:36 UPS, Processing at UPS Facility
2024-05-24 06:49 UPS, Arrived at Facility
2024-05-24 02:32 UPS, Departed from Facility
2024-05-23 22:46 UPS, Arrived at Facility
2024-05-23 22:06 UPS, Departed from Facility
2024-05-23 19:27 UPS, We have your package
2024-05-22 21:35 UPS, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-22 19:00 UPS, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-22 17:16 UPS, Flight has arrived
2024-05-22 11:22 UPS, Flight has departed
2024-05-22 09:00 UPS, Flight waiting to take off
2024-05-20 09:26 UPS, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-21 11:00:00
2024-05-20 09:00 UPS, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-18 19:00 UPS, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-18 10:00 UPS, Item accepted.
2024-05-18 08:57 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-18 01:05 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-15 17:00 UPS, Item information received.
2024-05-15 17:00 The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號:AT*0**2*0**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (7 天)
國家:中國 -> 美國
2024-05-22 12:53 GLENDORA CA 91740, 已妥投【US CA GLENDORA CA 91740】
2024-05-22 06:10 GLENDORA CA 91740, 出門投遞【US CA GLENDORA CA 91740】
2024-05-22 04:34 GLENDORA CA 91740, 快件到達處理中心【US CA GLENDORA CA 91740】
2024-05-22 00:28 BLOOMINGTON CA 92316, 快件離開處理中心【US CA】
2024-05-21 22:23 Bloomington CA 92316, 快件到達處理中心【US CA】
2024-05-21 13:45 Los Angeles CA USA, 快件離開處理中心【US CA Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-21 11:45 Los Angeles CA USA, 快件到達處理中心【US CA Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-21 09:45 Los Angeles CA USA, 目的國清關(guān)完成【Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-21 07:31 Los Angeles CA USA, 抵達【Los Angeles CA USA】
2024-05-20 19:18 RC international airport, 啟運【RC international airport】
2024-05-19 17:31 RC international airport, 快件到達處理中心【US CA】
2024-05-18 05:54 SHENZHEN, 快件離開處理中心【SHENZHEN】
2024-05-16 15:53 東莞市, 快件離開處理中心【東莞市】
2024-05-16 14:37 東莞市, 快件到達處理中心【東莞市】
2024-05-16 11:28 東莞市, 郵件離開【東莞市國際公司直屬國際營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣商中心】
2024-05-16 11:25 東莞市, 郵件已在【東莞市國際公司直屬國際營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-16 11:04 東莞市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:TSLSZ**0**2*0*0YQ 狀態(tài):運輸途中 (22 天)
國家:中國 -> 英國
2024-05-24 15:48 HERMES, We’ve delivered your parcel to the delivery address
2024-05-24 11:58 HERMES, Your local courier will deliver your parcel between 15:30 and 17:30 today
2024-05-24 10:27 HERMES, Your parcel is on its way to you today
2024-05-24 03:37 HERMES, Your parcel is at the delivery depot and we’ll let you know when it’s out for delivery
2024-05-23 14:37 HERMES, We’re processing your parcel at our hub
2024-05-23 09:00 HERMES, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-22 17:20 HERMES, Flight has arrived
2024-05-22 10:50 HERMES, Flight has departed
2024-05-20 09:52 HERMES, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-22 11:00:00
2024-05-19 10:00 HERMES, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-18 18:00 HERMES, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-18 10:00 HERMES, Item accepted.
2024-05-18 08:57 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-17 20:40 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-17 10:09 HERMES, Item information received.
2024-05-10 16:14 The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號:TSLSZ**0*******YQ 狀態(tài):運輸途中 (19 天)
國家:中國 -> 英國
2024-05-24 13:19 HERMES, We’ve delivered your parcel to a secure location at the delivery address
2024-05-24 12:24 HERMES, Your local courier will deliver your parcel between 13:30 and 15:30 today
2024-05-24 07:28 HERMES, Your parcel is on its way to you today
2024-05-24 06:14 HERMES, Your parcel is at the delivery depot and we’ll let you know when it’s out for delivery
2024-05-23 15:28 HERMES, We’re processing your parcel at our hub
2024-05-23 09:00 HERMES, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-22 17:20 HERMES, Flight has arrived
2024-05-22 10:50 HERMES, Flight has departed
2024-05-20 09:52 HERMES, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-22 11:00:00
2024-05-19 10:00 HERMES, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-18 18:00 HERMES, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-18 09:59 HERMES, Item accepted.
2024-05-18 08:57 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-18 01:05 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-13 10:55 HERMES, Item information received.
2024-05-13 10:55 The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號:FK**02***0*GB 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (9 天)
國家:英國 -> 英國
2024-05-29 12:04 Bitterne Manor DO, Delivered and Signed
2024-05-29 08:51 Bitterne Manor DO, Due to be delivered today
2024-05-28 23:02 Southampton MC, Item Received
2024-05-27 19:35 Princess Royal Parcel Hub, Item Received
2024-05-21 11:11 Sender despatching item
單號:WG2********GB 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (12 天)
國家:英國 -> 英國
2024-05-29 09:44 Keighley DO, Delivered by
2024-05-29 08:58 Keighley DO, Due to be delivered today
2024-05-28 11:44 Leeds MC, Item Received
2024-05-27 19:37 Princess Royal Parcel Hub, Item Received
2024-05-18 02:10 Sender despatching item

單號:LZ00*******CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (12 天)
國家:中國 -> 芬蘭
2024-05-24 17:31 The item has been delivered.
2024-05-24 13:55 We sent the recipient a text message about the item.
2024-05-24 13:55 We sent the recipient an email about the item.
2024-05-24 13:53 Posti, K-Market Puolalankatu, Item ready for pick up at a Posti's pick up point against a notice of arrival or item code.
2024-05-24 12:03 TURKU, The item is in transport.
2024-05-24 10:22 LIETO, The item is in transport.
2024-05-24 07:38 LIETO, The item is in sorting
2024-05-23 21:38 VANTAA, The item is in transport.
2024-05-23 15:36 VANTAA, The item is in sorting
2024-05-23 12:59 VANTAA, The item is in sorting
2024-05-22 20:30 The item has been declared.
2024-05-22 20:30 Handling fee for item paid to Posti
2024-05-22 15:30 VANTAA, The item is in sorting
2024-05-22 15:28 VANTAA, Item arrived in the destination country.
2024-05-17 05:55 Skannaus ulkomailla IPS, Item has departed from country of origin
2024-05-16 23:58 Skannaus ulkomailla IPS, Item has departed from country of origin
2024-05-16 22:39 Skannaus ulkomailla IPS, Item is in transport in country of origin.
2024-05-13 12:10 VAT on the shipment has been paid at the time of purchase. Posti will handle the customs declaration on your behalf.
2024-05-24 17:31 【FI】已妥投
2024-05-24 13:53 到達境外自提點
2024-05-22 15:30 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-22 15:30 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 15:29 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-22 15:28 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 11:00 到達寄達地
2024-05-21 14:20 飛機進港
2024-05-21 08:10 航空公司啟運
2024-05-21 08:05 航空公司啟運
2024-05-19 18:35 航空公司啟運
2024-05-19 04:40 飛機進港
2024-05-18 23:50 航空公司啟運
2024-05-18 11:20 飛機進港
2024-05-18 09:00 航空公司啟運
2024-05-17 22:25 航空公司接收
2024-05-17 10:15 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-17 07:19 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-17 05:55 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-17 05:55 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-16 23:58 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-16 22:59 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-16 22:59 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-16 22:39 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-13 18:38 廣州市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-13 16:59 廣州市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))

單號:LR*2***00**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國家:中國 -> 美國
2024-05-23 14:15 KANEOHE, HI 96744, Delivered, In/At Mailbox -> Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 2:15 pm on May 23, 2024 in KANEOHE, HI 96744.
2024-05-23 06:10 KANEOHE, HI 96744, Out for Delivery
2024-05-23 05:12 KANEOHE, HI 96744, Arrived at Post Office
2024-05-23 03:58 KANEOHE, HI 96744, Arrived at USPS Facility
2024-05-23 03:14 HONOLULU HI DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility
2024-05-22 22:54 HONOLULU HI DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility
2024-05-22 00:00 In Transit to Next Facility
2024-05-21 13:40 LOS ANGELES CA DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
2024-05-20 11:59 ISC LOS ANGELES CA (USPS), Processed Through USPS Facility
2024-05-20 10:47 LOS ANGELES, CA 90045, Arrived at USPS Facility
2024-05-16 02:52 Inbound Into Customs
2024-05-16 02:52 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
2024-05-16 02:52 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Processed Through Facility
2024-05-16 02:51 CHINA,GUANGZHOU, Processed Through Facility
2024-05-16 00:24 CHINA,GUANGZHOU, Processed Through Facility
2024-05-15 22:31 CHINA, Acceptance
2024-05-23 14:15 【US】已妥投
2024-05-23 06:10 【US】安排投遞
2024-05-23 05:12 已到達【US】投遞局
2024-05-20 11:59 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-20 10:47 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-20 10:47 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 09:58 到達寄達地
2024-05-19 09:57 飛機進港
2024-05-19 01:25 航空公司啟運
2024-05-17 19:11 航空公司接收
2024-05-16 14:12 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-16 03:34 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-16 02:52 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-16 02:51 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-16 00:25 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-15 22:57 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-15 22:56 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-15 22:31 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LZ00***0***CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (9 天)
國家:中國 -> 英國
2024-05-25 09:04 Bolsover DO, Delivered by
2024-05-25 06:43 Bolsover DO, Due to be delivered today
2024-05-25 06:41 Bolsover DO, Arrived at
2024-05-25 05:36 Sheffield MC, Item Despatched to Bolsover DO
2024-05-25 00:59 Sheffield MC, Arrived at
2024-05-24 15:50 LANGLEY HWDC, United Kingdom, Item has left our International Processing Centre
2024-05-24 14:57 Heathrow International LC, Item Received
2024-05-24 13:34 LANGLEY HWDC, United Kingdom, Item Received
2024-05-16 19:15 China, Item Leaving overseas
2024-05-16 15:37 China, Item received at
2024-05-25 09:04 【GB】已妥投
2024-05-25 06:43 【GB】安排投遞
2024-05-24 15:50 離開【GB】處理中心
2024-05-24 13:34 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-23 18:46 飛機進港
2024-05-22 14:56 航空公司啟運
2024-05-18 09:57 航空公司接收
2024-05-17 10:06 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-17 03:21 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-17 02:15 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-17 02:15 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-17 00:00 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-16 22:59 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-16 22:59 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-16 22:37 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LZ00*******CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (15 天)
國家:中國 -> 法國
2024-05-29 11:07 FR, Votre envoi a été distribué dans la bo?te à lettres.
2024-05-29 09:27 FR, Votre envoi est sur le site qui dessert votre adresse. Nous préparons sa distribution.
2024-05-28 15:28 FR, Votre envoi est en transit sur nos plateformes logistiques.
2024-05-27 15:04 FR, Votre envoi est en transit sur nos plateformes logistiques.
2024-05-27 11:28 FR, Les formalités d’importation sont en cours sur votre envoi.
2024-05-27 11:26 FR, Votre envoi vient d'arriver en France.
2024-05-21 04:15 CN, Votre envoi est prêt à quitter le territoire étranger. Il va être remis au transporteur pour son acheminement vers la France.
2024-05-21 01:40 CN, Votre envoi est en cours d'acheminement.
2024-05-21 00:57 CN, Votre envoi a été déposé par l'expéditeur chez notre partenaire postal dans son pays d'origine.
2024-05-29 11:07 【FR】已妥投
2024-05-29 09:27 境外投遞點留存
2024-05-28 15:28 離開【FR】處理中心
2024-05-28 10:47 離開【FR】處理中心
2024-05-27 15:04 離開【FR】處理中心
2024-05-27 11:28 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待補充文件)
2024-05-27 11:28 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-27 11:26 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-27 11:21 到達寄達地
2024-05-24 17:19 飛機進港
2024-05-22 13:16 航空公司啟運
2024-05-22 10:00 航空公司接收
2024-05-21 10:32 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-21 03:28 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 02:15 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-21 02:15 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-20 23:41 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 23:07 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-20 23:07 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 22:57 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-14 18:10 廣州市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-14 16:01 廣州市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))

單號:LZ002****2*CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (17 天)
國家:中國 -> 德國
2024-05-25 14:13 Germany, The shipment has been successfully delivered
2024-05-25 09:34 The shipment has been loaded onto the delivery vehicle
2024-05-25 02:44 Germany, The shipment is being prepared for onward transport.
2024-05-24 15:48 Germany, The shipment is being prepared for onward transport.
2024-05-24 09:58 Germany, The shipment is in the process of customs clearance for import into the destination country/region. Please find more information here.
2024-05-24 09:56 Germany, The shipment is in the process of customs clearance for import into the destination country/region. Please find more information here.
2024-05-24 09:53 Germany, The customs clearance process for import into the destination country/region has started. Please find more information here.
2024-05-24 09:52 The shipment has arrived in the destination country/destination area
2024-05-16 02:54 China VR, The shipment will be transported to the destination country/destination area and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization.
2024-05-16 02:53 China VR, The shipment has been released after its additional inspection in the country of origin. Please find more information here.
2024-05-16 02:53 China VR, The shipment has arrived at the export parcel center
2024-05-16 00:25 China VR, The shipment has been declared for export customs clearance.
2024-05-15 22:28 China VR, The shipment has arrived at the parcel center of origin
2024-05-25 14:13 【DE】已妥投
2024-05-25 09:34 【DE】安排投遞
2024-05-25 08:34 已到達【DE】投遞局
2024-05-24 15:48 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-24 09:58 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-24 09:56 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(因不明原因被邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門扣留)
2024-05-24 09:53 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 09:52 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 21:08 到達寄達地
2024-05-19 08:47 飛機進港
2024-05-17 17:29 航空公司啟運
2024-05-17 09:52 航空公司接收
2024-05-16 09:58 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-16 03:36 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-16 02:54 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-16 02:53 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-16 00:25 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-15 22:57 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-15 22:56 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-15 22:28 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-09 18:15 廣州市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-09 17:04 廣州市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))
單號:**02******02 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (3 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-23 10:12 TOKYO,JAPAN, Delivered [STAMP]
2024-05-22 17:50 TOKYO,JAPAN, Out For Delivery
2024-05-22 13:13 TOKYO,JAPAN, Arrived At Destination / Customs Clearance
2024-05-21 09:05 SHENZHEN CHINA, On Board Aircraft
2024-05-20 21:20 SHENZHEN CHINA, Preparing for dispatch
單號:**02******0* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (3 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-24 18:51 TOKYO,JAPAN, Delivered [STAMP]
2024-05-24 16:48 TOKYO,JAPAN, ABSENCE
2024-05-24 06:26 TOKYO,JAPAN, Out For Delivery
2024-05-24 05:24 TOKYO,JAPAN, Arrived At Destination / Customs Clearance
2024-05-22 09:30 SHENZHEN CHINA, On Board Aircraft
2024-05-21 21:41 SHENZHEN CHINA, Preparing for dispatch
單號:**02****0**2 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (3 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-24 10:35 TOKYO,JAPAN, Delivered [STAMP]
2024-05-23 20:15 TOKYO,JAPAN, Out For Delivery
2024-05-23 18:20 TOKYO,JAPAN, Arrived At Destination / Customs Clearance
2024-05-22 09:30 SHENZHEN CHINA, On Board Aircraft
2024-05-21 16:13 SHENZHEN CHINA, Preparing for dispatch
單號:TSLSZ**0*******YQ 狀態(tài):運輸途中 (18 天)
國家:中國 -> 日本
2024-05-23 10:31 SAGAWA, 配達完了
2024-05-23 08:04 SAGAWA, 配達中
2024-05-22 16:15 SAGAWA, 輸送中
2024-05-22 14:28 SAGAWA, 集荷
2024-05-21 17:00 SAGAWA, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-21 15:00 SAGAWA, Flight has arrived
2024-05-21 10:00 SAGAWA, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 18:00 SAGAWA, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-15 09:55 SAGAWA, Item accepted.
2024-05-15 08:47 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-15 00:08 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-14 18:45 SAGAWA, Item information received.
2024-05-14 18:44 The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號:*****2****2* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 斯里蘭卡
2024-05-25 11:49 LK, RAGAMA, Delivered
2024-05-25 08:51 LK, COLOMBO, At destination sort facility
2024-05-25 08:49 LK, COLOMBO, On FedEx vehicle for delivery
2024-05-25 08:17 LK, COLOMBO, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-22 11:03 SG, SINGAPORE, On the way
2024-05-21 10:56 SG, SINGAPORE, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-21 08:03 SG, SINGAPORE, On the way
2024-05-21 04:02 CN, GUANGZHOU, On the way
2024-05-21 03:51 CN, GUANGZHOU, Departed FedEx hub
2024-05-20 23:08 CN, GUANGZHOU, Arrived at FedEx hub
2024-05-20 19:59 HK, YUEN LONG, Left FedEx origin facility
2024-05-20 19:55 HK, YUEN LONG, On the way
2024-05-20 18:09 HK, YUEN LONG, Picked up
2024-05-17 08:35 Shipment information sent to FedEx

單號:*****2****** 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 英國
2024-05-24 09:40 GB, SX, DITCHLING, Delivered
2024-05-24 07:39 GB, SX, CRAWLEY, On FedEx vehicle for delivery
2024-05-24 04:51 GB, SX, CRAWLEY, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-24 04:51 GB, SX, CRAWLEY, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-24 02:22 GB, KE, DARTFORD, On the way
2024-05-24 02:22 GB, KE, DARTFORD, On the way
2024-05-23 22:47 GB, ES, STANSTED, On the way
2024-05-23 22:47 GB, ES, STANSTED, On the way
2024-05-23 22:09 GB, ES, STANSTED, International shipment release - Import
2024-05-23 20:56 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, Departed FedEx hub
2024-05-23 20:49 GB, ES, STANSTED, Arrived at FedEx hub
2024-05-23 20:37 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, On the way
2024-05-23 14:30 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, Arrived at FedEx hub
2024-05-23 06:48 HK, CHEK LAP KOK, On the way
2024-05-23 06:41 HK, LANTAU ISLAND, On the way
2024-05-23 03:30 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-23 03:30 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, On the way
2024-05-22 20:15 HK, YUEN LONG, Left FedEx origin facility
2024-05-22 15:38 HK, YUEN LONG, Picked up
2024-05-20 10:32 Shipment information sent to FedEx

單號:*****2****** 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 英國
2024-05-24 09:40 GB, SX, DITCHLING, Delivered
2024-05-24 07:39 GB, SX, CRAWLEY, On FedEx vehicle for delivery
2024-05-24 04:51 GB, SX, CRAWLEY, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-24 04:51 GB, SX, CRAWLEY, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-24 02:22 GB, KE, DARTFORD, On the way
2024-05-24 02:22 GB, KE, DARTFORD, On the way
2024-05-23 22:47 GB, ES, STANSTED, On the way
2024-05-23 22:47 GB, ES, STANSTED, On the way
2024-05-23 22:09 GB, ES, STANSTED, International shipment release - Import
2024-05-23 20:56 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, Departed FedEx hub
2024-05-23 20:49 GB, ES, STANSTED, Arrived at FedEx hub
2024-05-23 20:37 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, On the way
2024-05-23 14:30 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, Arrived at FedEx hub
2024-05-23 06:48 HK, CHEK LAP KOK, On the way
2024-05-23 06:41 HK, LANTAU ISLAND, On the way
2024-05-23 03:30 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-23 03:30 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, On the way
2024-05-22 20:15 HK, YUEN LONG, Left FedEx origin facility
2024-05-22 15:38 HK, YUEN LONG, Picked up
2024-05-20 10:32 Shipment information sent to FedEx

單號:*****2****** 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 西班牙
2024-05-24 12:03 ES, VALENCIA, Delivered
2024-05-24 10:53 ES, PICANYA, On FedEx vehicle for delivery
2024-05-24 10:42 ES, PICANYA, On the way, Package available for clearance
2024-05-24 10:38 ES, PICANYA, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-24 10:38 ES, PICANYA, On the way
2024-05-24 10:23 ES, PICANYA, International shipment release - Import
2024-05-24 08:51 ES, VALENCIA, At destination sort facility
2024-05-24 08:05 ES, MADRID, On the way
2024-05-24 04:04 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, Departed FedEx hub
2024-05-24 03:39 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, On the way
2024-05-24 00:24 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, On the way
2024-05-24 00:24 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, On the way
2024-05-23 17:56 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, Arrived at FedEx hub
2024-05-23 17:53 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, On the way
2024-05-23 17:15 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, Departed FedEx hub
2024-05-23 14:30 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, Arrived at FedEx hub
2024-05-23 06:48 HK, CHEK LAP KOK, On the way
2024-05-23 06:42 HK, LANTAU ISLAND, On the way
2024-05-22 20:15 HK, YUEN LONG, Left FedEx origin facility
2024-05-22 15:38 HK, YUEN LONG, Picked up
2024-05-20 10:32 Shipment information sent to FedEx
單號:*****2***220 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (3 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 法國
2024-05-24 08:47 FR, 69, VILLEURBANNE, Delivered
2024-05-24 08:00 FR, 69, CORBAS, On FedEx vehicle for delivery
2024-05-24 06:58 FR, 69, CORBAS, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-23 22:38 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, Departed FedEx hub
2024-05-23 19:53 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, International shipment release - Import
2024-05-23 19:53 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, On the way
2024-05-23 14:30 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, Arrived at FedEx hub
2024-05-23 14:01 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, International shipment release - Import
2024-05-23 06:48 HK, CHEK LAP KOK, On the way
2024-05-23 06:41 HK, LANTAU ISLAND, On the way
2024-05-22 22:21 HK, LANTAU ISLAND, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-22 20:10 HK, YUEN LONG, Left FedEx origin facility
2024-05-22 15:38 HK, YUEN LONG, Picked up
2024-05-21 10:30 Shipment information sent to FedEx

單號:*****2****2* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (3 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 荷蘭
2024-05-24 22:37 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, On the way
2024-05-24 22:37 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, On the way
2024-05-24 14:16 NL, FL, ZEEWOLDE, Delivered
2024-05-24 09:05 NL, OV, ZWOLLE, On FedEx vehicle for delivery
2024-05-24 07:24 NL, OV, ZWOLLE, On the way
2024-05-24 07:24 NL, OV, ZWOLLE, On the way
2024-05-24 07:24 NL, OV, ZWOLLE, At local FedEx facility
2024-05-24 07:24 NL, OV, ZWOLLE, International shipment release - Import
2024-05-24 06:35 NL, OV, ZWOLLE, On the way, Package available for clearance
2024-05-24 05:24 NL, OV, ZWOLLE, International shipment release - Import
2024-05-24 03:59 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, On the way
2024-05-24 03:17 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, On the way
2024-05-23 21:48 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, On the way
2024-05-23 21:48 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, On the way
2024-05-23 17:56 BE, GRACE-HOLLOGNE, Arrived at FedEx hub
2024-05-23 17:53 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, On the way
2024-05-23 17:15 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, Departed FedEx hub
2024-05-23 14:30 FR, 95, ROISSY CHARLES DE GAULLE CEDEX, Arrived at FedEx hub
2024-05-23 06:48 HK, CHEK LAP KOK, On the way
2024-05-23 06:42 HK, LANTAU ISLAND, On the way
2024-05-22 20:15 HK, YUEN LONG, Left FedEx origin facility
2024-05-22 15:38 HK, YUEN LONG, Picked up
2024-05-21 10:30 Shipment information sent to FedEx

單號:**0*02**2* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 意大利
2024-05-27 11:58 MILAN - MALPENSA - ITALY, Delivered
2024-05-27 09:33 MILAN - MALPENSA - ITALY, Shipment is out with courier for delivery
2024-05-27 04:51 MILAN - MALPENSA - ITALY, Processed at MILAN - MALPENSA - ITALY
2024-05-27 01:33 MILAN - MALPENSA - ITALY, Clearance processing complete at MILAN - MALPENSA - ITALY
2024-05-26 23:35 MILAN - MALPENSA - ITALY, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility MILAN - MALPENSA - ITALY
2024-05-26 20:04 LEIPZIG - GERMANY, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility LEIPZIG - GERMANY
2024-05-26 19:04 MILAN - MALPENSA - ITALY, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-26 18:20 MILAN - MALPENSA - ITALY, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-26 15:46 LEIPZIG - GERMANY, Processed at LEIPZIG - GERMANY
2024-05-26 15:27 LEIPZIG - GERMANY, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility LEIPZIG - GERMANY
2024-05-24 21:29 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-24 11:41 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-24 03:08 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment picked up

單號:*2***2**20 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 加拿大
2024-05-27 14:52 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Delivered
2024-05-27 11:47 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Shipment is out with courier for delivery
2024-05-24 20:53 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Shipment is scheduled for delivery
2024-05-24 11:54 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Payment is received and recorded for shipment related fees
2024-05-24 05:39 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Shipment is on hold
2024-05-23 12:58 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, On hold awaiting for payment of shipment related fees
2024-05-23 10:31 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - CANADA
2024-05-23 03:06 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-23 03:06 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Clearance processing complete at ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - CANADA
2024-05-23 03:03 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Processed for clearance at ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - CANADA
2024-05-23 03:03 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Clearance Event
2024-05-22 20:41 ONTARIO SERVICE AREA - ONTARIO - CANADA, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-22 16:25 LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - California - USA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-22 15:33 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-22 12:18 LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - California - USA, Shipment is in transit to destination
2024-05-22 05:32 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-22 03:17 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment picked up

單號:***2****** 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 秘魯
2024-05-27 14:37 LIMA - PERU, Delivered
2024-05-27 09:30 LIMA - PERU, Shipment is out with courier for delivery
2024-05-27 06:13 LIMA - PERU, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-27 04:43 LIMA - PERU, Clearance processing complete at LIMA - PERU
2024-05-27 04:24 LIMA - PERU, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility LIMA - PERU
2024-05-27 03:11 LIMA - PERU, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-27 02:10 LIMA - PERU, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-26 21:59 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-26 20:12 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Processed at MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-26 00:17 LIMA - PERU, Payment is received and recorded for shipment related fees
2024-05-24 19:12 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Processed at MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-24 16:00 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Shipment is on hold
2024-05-24 15:55 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-24 08:13 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-24 01:32 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-23 23:35 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment picked up

單號:********0* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (5 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 特立尼達和多巴哥
2024-05-27 10:46 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Delivered
2024-05-27 07:13 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Shipment is out with courier for delivery
2024-05-24 21:50 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Payment is received and recorded for shipment related fees
2024-05-24 20:40 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, On hold awaiting for payment of shipment related fees
2024-05-24 16:12 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
2024-05-24 15:34 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Clearance processing complete at PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
2024-05-24 14:09 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-24 14:09 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-24 10:00 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Clearance Event
2024-05-24 10:00 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Processed for clearance at PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO
2024-05-24 09:09 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-24 09:09 PORT OF SPAIN - TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-24 03:07 PANAMA CITY - PANAMA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility PANAMA CITY - PANAMA
2024-05-24 00:25 PANAMA CITY - PANAMA, Processed at PANAMA CITY - PANAMA
2024-05-23 23:44 PANAMA CITY - PANAMA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility PANAMA CITY - PANAMA
2024-05-23 21:56 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-23 20:01 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Processed at MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-23 15:48 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Shipment is on hold
2024-05-23 15:45 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-23 07:40 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-23 04:29 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-22 23:57 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment picked up

單號:**000***** 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 阿根廷
2024-05-27 14:20 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Delivered
2024-05-27 14:19 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Shipment is out with courier for delivery
2024-05-27 07:19 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA
2024-05-27 07:07 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Payment is received and recorded for shipment related fees
2024-05-27 06:35 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA
2024-05-27 05:52 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Clearance processing complete at BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA
2024-05-27 04:40 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Processed for clearance at BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA
2024-05-27 04:40 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Clearance Event
2024-05-27 02:20 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-27 02:10 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-27 01:50 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-26 23:50 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-26 17:00 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-26 16:50 BUENOS AIRES - ARGENTINA, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-26 16:10 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-26 13:03 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Processed at MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-25 23:04 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Processed at MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-25 14:20 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-25 07:12 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-24 12:43 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-24 11:11 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-24 04:38 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment picked up

單號:**2******* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 哥倫比亞
2024-05-27 12:07 BOGOTA - COLOMBIA, Delivered
2024-05-27 08:21 BOGOTA - COLOMBIA, Shipment is out with courier for delivery
2024-05-27 01:35 BOGOTA - COLOMBIA, Arrived at DHL Delivery Facility BOGOTA - COLOMBIA
2024-05-24 18:34 BOGOTA - COLOMBIA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility BOGOTA - COLOMBIA
2024-05-24 18:34 BOGOTA - COLOMBIA, Processed at BOGOTA - COLOMBIA
2024-05-24 16:09 BOGOTA - COLOMBIA, Clearance processing complete at BOGOTA - COLOMBIA
2024-05-24 15:59 BOGOTA - COLOMBIA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility BOGOTA - COLOMBIA
2024-05-24 13:15 BOGOTA - COLOMBIA, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-24 12:52 BOGOTA - COLOMBIA, Payment is received and recorded for shipment related fees
2024-05-24 11:41 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-24 08:08 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Processed at MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-23 19:41 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Processed at MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-23 15:48 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Shipment is on hold
2024-05-23 15:45 MIAMI GATEWAY - Florida - USA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility MIAMI GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-23 07:40 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-22 04:16 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-22 00:58 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-22 00:12 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment picked up

單號:**2**2**** 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (1 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 美國
2024-05-23 18:07 LOS ANGELES - California - USA, Delivered
2024-05-23 11:11 LOS ANGELES - California - USA, Shipment is out with courier for delivery
2024-05-23 07:58 LOS ANGELES - California - USA, Arrived at DHL Delivery Facility LOS ANGELES - USA
2024-05-23 07:25 LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - California - USA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-23 07:23 LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - California - USA, Processed at LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-23 06:12 LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - California - USA, Clearance processing complete at LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-23 06:07 LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - California - USA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - USA
2024-05-23 04:50 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-23 03:45 LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - California - USA, Shipment is on hold
2024-05-23 01:20 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-22 15:36 LOS ANGELES GATEWAY - California - USA, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-22 19:34 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment picked up

單號:*********2 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (2 天)
國家:香港 [CN] -> 法國
2024-05-24 15:21 LYON - FRANCE, Delivered
2024-05-24 14:02 LYON - FRANCE, Awaiting collection by the consignee
2024-05-24 09:07 LYON - FRANCE, Shipment is out with courier for delivery
2024-05-24 07:52 LYON - FRANCE, Arrived at DHL Delivery Facility LYON - FRANCE
2024-05-24 07:08 LYON - FRANCE, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility LYON - FRANCE
2024-05-24 06:24 LYON - FRANCE, Processed at LYON - FRANCE
2024-05-24 06:20 LYON - FRANCE, Clearance processing complete at LYON - FRANCE
2024-05-24 05:57 LYON - FRANCE, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility LYON - FRANCE
2024-05-24 04:54 LYON - FRANCE, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-24 04:53 LYON - FRANCE, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-24 04:48 LYON - FRANCE, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-24 04:32 LEIPZIG - GERMANY, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility LEIPZIG - GERMANY
2024-05-23 22:16 LEIPZIG - GERMANY, Processed at LEIPZIG - GERMANY
2024-05-23 21:24 LEIPZIG - GERMANY, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility LEIPZIG - GERMANY
2024-05-23 06:05 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment has departed from a DHL facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-23 00:06 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Arrived at DHL Sort Facility HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA
2024-05-22 17:31 LYON - FRANCE, Payment is received and recorded for shipment related fees
2024-05-22 13:53 LYON - FRANCE, Customs clearance status updated. Note - The Customs clearance process may start while the shipment is in transit to the destination.
2024-05-22 19:25 HONG KONG - HONG KONG SAR, CHINA, Shipment picked up
單號:H0*CEA00**0***** 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (18 天)
國家:英國 -> 未知
2024-05-25 15:14 We've delivered your parcel to your garage
2024-05-25 13:29 Your local courier will deliver your parcel between 15:30 and 17:30 today
2024-05-25 07:35 Your parcel is on its way to you today
2024-05-25 07:24 Your parcel is at the delivery depot and we'll let you know when it's out for delivery
2024-05-24 23:40 We're processing your parcel at our hub
2024-05-23 22:25 We've collected your parcel
2024-05-08 19:00 Parcel accepted by Evri gateway
2024-05-08 01:46 We're expecting your parcel to arrive with us soon and we'll update your tracking once we've received it

單號:LP****2***2CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (10 天)
國家:中國 -> 日本
2024-05-23 08:28 OSAKA,IBARAKI, 567-8799, Final delivery
2024-05-23 05:09 OSAKA,IBARAKI, 567-8799, Processing at delivery Post Office
2024-05-22 13:25 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-22 09:00 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Held by import Customs
2024-05-21 22:53 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-14 06:07 CHINA, Item returned from export Customs
2024-05-14 06:07 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Dispatch from outward office of exchange
2024-05-14 00:11 CHINA, Item presented to export Customs
2024-05-14 00:11 CHINA,GUANGZHOU, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-13 23:54 CHINA, Posting/Collection
2024-05-23 08:28 【JP】已妥投
2024-05-23 07:36 【JP】安排投遞
2024-05-23 05:09 已到達【JP】投遞局
2024-05-22 13:25 離開【JP】處理中心
2024-05-22 13:24 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-22 09:00 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-22 08:59 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-21 22:53 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-21 13:58 到達寄達地
2024-05-20 14:05 飛機進港
2024-05-18 04:02 航空公司啟運
2024-05-16 19:11 航空公司接收
2024-05-16 08:40 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-14 08:35 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-14 06:07 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-14 06:07 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-14 00:11 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-13 23:56 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-13 23:56 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-13 23:54 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
單號:LZ00****2**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (3 天)
國家:中國 -> 香港 [CN]
2024-05-24 12:02 HK, Delivered
2024-05-23 16:18 HK, Arrived at processing centre (inward office of exchange)
2024-05-22 06:09 CN, Process completed for departure
2024-05-21 22:43 CN, Posted
2024-05-24 12:02 【中國香港】已妥投
2024-05-24 09:39 【中國香港】安排投遞
2024-05-23 17:06 離開【中國香港】處理中心
2024-05-23 16:18 到達寄達地
2024-05-23 16:18 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 14:47 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-22 08:04 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市處理中心】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-22 06:09 廣州市, 【廣州市處理中心】已出口直封
2024-05-22 06:08 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-21 23:56 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-21 23:07 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州】
2024-05-21 23:07 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-21 22:43 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LP*********CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:中國 -> 日本
2024-05-28 10:24 HYOGO,KOBECHUO, 650-8799, Final delivery
2024-05-28 01:15 HYOGO,KOBECHUO, 650-8799, Processing at delivery Post Office
2024-05-27 15:45 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-27 09:00 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Held by import Customs
2024-05-27 00:21 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-24 22:38 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Dispatch from outward office of exchange
2024-05-24 22:37 CHINA, Item returned from export Customs
2024-05-24 21:29 CHINA, Item presented to export Customs
2024-05-24 21:29 CHINA,GUANGZHOU, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-24 18:35 CHINA, Posting/Collection
2024-05-28 10:24 【JP】已妥投
2024-05-28 08:22 【JP】安排投遞
2024-05-28 01:15 已到達【JP】投遞局
2024-05-27 15:45 離開【JP】處理中心
2024-05-27 15:44 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-27 09:00 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-27 08:59 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-27 00:21 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-26 13:55 到達寄達地
2024-05-26 08:40 航空公司啟運
2024-05-25 09:12 航空公司接收
2024-05-25 08:20 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 03:51 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-24 22:38 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-24 22:37 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-24 21:29 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 20:10 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-24 20:09 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-24 18:35 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LP****20***CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (5 天)
國家:中國 -> 新加坡
2024-05-28 16:23 Item delivered to letterbox
2024-05-28 09:32 Out for delivery.
2024-05-27 11:07 Received Item at SingPost Mail Processing Centre. Delivery attempt will be made within 2 working days
2024-05-27 11:07 Received Item at SingPost Mail Processing Centre. Delivery attempt will be made within 2 working days
2024-05-27 11:07 Received Item at SingPost Mail Processing Centre. Delivery attempt will be made within 2 working days
2024-05-27 11:07 Received Item at SingPost Mail Processing Centre. Delivery attempt will be made within 2 working days
2024-05-25 13:38 Arrived from overseas (Country code: CN), in transit to next processing centre for delivery
2024-05-28 16:23 【SG】已妥投
2024-05-25 13:38 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-25 11:09 到達寄達地
2024-05-24 22:30 飛機進港
2024-05-24 18:53 航空公司啟運
2024-05-24 09:28 航空公司接收
2024-05-24 07:27 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-24 03:43 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-24 03:00 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-24 02:59 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-23 21:32 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 19:21 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-23 19:20 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-23 18:41 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LZ00**00*0*CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:中國 -> 泰國
2024-05-29 14:40 BANG KHUN THIAN, Final delivery, Successful
2024-05-29 12:33 BANG KHUN THIAN, Item out for physical delivery
2024-05-29 03:35 BANG KHUN THIAN, In transit
2024-05-29 00:53 LAK SI, In transit
2024-05-28 08:36 LAK SI, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-24 06:10 International (China), Departure From Outward OE
2024-05-24 06:09 International (China), Item allowed to import into the country of destination
2024-05-23 21:32 International (China), Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-23 21:32 International (China), Information sent to the country of destination for verification
2024-05-23 18:40 International (China), Posting/Collection
2024-05-29 14:40 【TH】已妥投
2024-05-29 12:33 【TH】安排投遞
2024-05-29 12:03 已到達【TH】投遞局
2024-05-28 11:40 離開【TH】處理中心
2024-05-28 11:10 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-28 08:40 到達寄達地
2024-05-28 08:36 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-27 01:28 飛機進港
2024-05-27 00:01 航空公司啟運
2024-05-26 08:19 航空公司接收
2024-05-26 07:59 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-24 07:06 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-24 06:10 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-24 06:09 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-23 21:32 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 19:21 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-23 19:20 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-23 18:40 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LP*******0*CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:中國 -> 馬來西亞
2024-05-23 13:26 Delivery completed, Destination station has delivered your parcel. Thank you!
2024-05-21 13:59 Customs released, Your parcel has been cleared by the Customs Authority
2024-05-21 09:28 Customs inspection, Your parcel has been presented to the Customs Authority for inspection
2024-05-21 09:27 Transfer in progress, Your parcel has arrived at destination facility for Processing
2024-05-18 05:38 Transfer in progress, Your parcel is being transported to destination country
2024-05-18 05:37 Customs released, Your parcel has been cleared by the Customs Authority
2024-05-17 21:36 Customs inspection, Your parcel has been presented to the Customs Authority for inspection
2024-05-17 21:36 Arrived at International Hub
2024-05-23 13:26 【MY】已妥投
2024-05-23 10:17 【MY】安排投遞
2024-05-21 14:01 離開【MY】處理中心
2024-05-21 13:59 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-21 09:28 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-21 09:27 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-20 22:33 到達寄達地
2024-05-20 11:43 飛機進港
2024-05-20 08:14 航空公司啟運
2024-05-19 09:22 航空公司接收
2024-05-19 08:06 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-18 07:38 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-18 05:38 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-18 05:37 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-17 21:36 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-17 19:57 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-17 19:55 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-17 18:48 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
單號:EV0*0***0**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (2 天)
國家:中國 -> 香港 [CN]
2024-05-25 10:20 HK, Delivered
2024-05-25 08:40 HK, Arrived at delivery office
2024-05-24 22:40 HK, Despatched from processing centre (inward office of exchange)
2024-05-24 22:31 HK, Arrived at processing centre (inward office of exchange)
2024-05-23 23:13 CN, Process completed for departure
2024-05-23 22:44 CN, Arrived at processing centre
2024-05-23 20:45 CN, Posted
2024-05-25 10:20 【中國香港】已妥投
2024-05-25 09:31 【中國香港】安排投遞
2024-05-24 22:40 離開【中國香港】處理中心
2024-05-24 22:31 到達寄達地
2024-05-24 22:31 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-24 09:09 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-24 03:08 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市處理中心】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-23 23:13 廣州市, 【廣州市處理中心】已出口直封
2024-05-23 23:12 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-23 22:45 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 21:51 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州】
2024-05-23 21:51 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-23 20:45 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0********CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (3 天)
國家:中國 -> 日本
2024-05-23 18:44 OSAKA,NISHINARI, 557-8799, Final delivery
2024-05-23 13:06 OSAKA,NISHINARI, 557-8799, Processing at delivery Post Office
2024-05-23 09:54 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-23 09:00 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Held by import Customs
2024-05-22 18:29 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-21 00:52 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Dispatch from outward office of exchange
2024-05-21 00:51 CHINA, Item returned from export Customs
2024-05-20 22:50 CHINA, Item presented to export Customs
2024-05-20 22:49 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-20 20:46 CHINA, Posting/Collection
2024-05-23 18:44 【JP】已妥投
2024-05-23 17:48 【JP】安排投遞
2024-05-23 13:06 已到達【JP】投遞局
2024-05-23 09:54 離開【JP】處理中心
2024-05-23 09:53 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-23 09:00 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-23 08:59 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 18:29 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 16:57 到達寄達地
2024-05-22 13:18 航空公司啟運
2024-05-22 09:30 飛機進港
2024-05-22 05:00 航空公司啟運
2024-05-21 06:50 航空公司接收
2024-05-21 06:46 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-21 03:09 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 00:52 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-21 00:51 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-20 22:50 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 21:59 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-20 21:59 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 20:46 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:FB*0*0*02**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:中國 -> 臺灣 [CN]
2024-05-28 10:00 善化郵局, 投遞成功
2024-05-27 18:40 善化郵局, 投遞不成功, 未妥投原因:安排投遞中, 後續(xù)處理方式:翌日再(試)投
2024-05-27 09:38 臺南中心特種郵件股, 離開寄達地互換局, 免課稅:, 本件將轉(zhuǎn)往:臺南郵局快捷股, 清單號碼:484
2024-05-26 20:41 臺北郵件中心包進股, 海關(guān)查驗, 將轉(zhuǎn)下列驗關(guān)局查驗:臺南中心特種郵件股
2024-05-26 20:40 臺北郵件中心包進股, 到達寄達地互換局, 原寄地:大陸地區(qū), 出口局:GUANGZHOU, 總包號碼:9110
2024-05-25 01:27 大陸地區(qū), 已出口-資料詳如右方, 寄達地:中華民國, 寄達互換局:TAIPEI, 總包號碼:9102
2024-05-24 20:30 交寄郵件, 寄達地:中華民國
2024-05-28 10:00 【中國臺灣】已妥投
2024-05-27 18:40 【中國臺灣】安排投遞
2024-05-27 09:38 離開【中國臺灣】處理中心
2024-05-26 20:41 進口海關(guān)留存待驗
2024-05-26 20:40 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-26 13:41 飛機進港
2024-05-26 11:45 航空公司啟運
2024-05-26 09:28 航空公司接收
2024-05-26 07:12 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 16:16 廣州市, 【廣州市處理中心】退回,備注:安檢退回
2024-05-25 07:04 廣州市, 【廣州市交換站】退回
2024-05-25 06:41 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 03:03 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市處理中心】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-25 01:27 廣州市, 【廣州市處理中心】已出口直封
2024-05-25 01:27 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-24 23:03 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 21:40 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州】
2024-05-24 21:40 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-24 20:30 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0*0**0***CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:中國 -> 阿聯(lián)酋
2024-05-28 10:23 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Delivered To Kumar
2024-05-28 08:18 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Out For Delivery
2024-05-27 17:36 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Arrived At Dubai
2024-05-27 15:44 Dubai Sorting Centre, United Arab Emirates, Shipped To Dubai
2024-05-27 10:38 Dubai Sorting Centre, United Arab Emirates, Arrived At Dubai Sorting Centre
2024-05-25 00:39 China P. Rep., Shipped To
2024-05-24 20:28 510000, Received At Counter
2024-05-28 10:23 【AE】已妥投
2024-05-28 08:18 【AE】安排投遞
2024-05-27 17:37 【AE】安排投遞
2024-05-27 17:36 已到達【AE】投遞局
2024-05-27 15:44 離開【AE】處理中心
2024-05-27 15:43 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-27 10:39 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-27 10:38 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-27 01:39 到達寄達地
2024-05-26 02:39 飛機進港
2024-05-25 19:06 航空公司啟運
2024-05-25 09:12 航空公司接收
2024-05-25 07:37 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 03:03 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-25 00:39 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-25 00:38 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-24 23:07 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 21:40 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-24 21:40 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-24 20:28 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0******22CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (5 天)
國家:中國 -> 澳大利亞
2024-05-29 10:54 ST GEORGE QLD, Delivered
2024-05-29 10:06 ST GEORGE QLD, Onboard for delivery
2024-05-28 20:39 BRISBANE AIRPORT QLD, Item processed at facility
2024-05-28 14:47 In transit to next facility in BRISBANE AIRPORT QLD
2024-05-28 12:37 BRISBANE QLD, Item processed at facility
2024-05-28 09:23 REDBANK QLD, Arrived at sorting facility
2024-05-27 13:25 SYDNEY NSW, International arrival - awaiting clearance
2024-05-25 01:34 GUANGZHOU (CN), CHINA, Cleared and awaiting international departure
2024-05-24 23:01 GUANGZHOU (CN), CHINA, Arrived at facility
2024-05-24 20:27 CHINA, Received item from Sender (Outbound)
2024-05-29 10:54 【AU】已妥投
2024-05-29 10:06 已到達【AU】投遞局
2024-05-28 20:39 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-28 12:37 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-27 13:25 到達寄達地
2024-05-27 13:25 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-26 05:27 飛機進港
2024-05-25 21:07 航空公司啟運
2024-05-25 09:12 航空公司接收
2024-05-25 08:28 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 03:03 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-25 01:34 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-25 01:33 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-24 23:01 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 21:40 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-24 21:40 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-24 20:27 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
單號:EB****22***CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (2 天)
國家:中國 -> 香港 [CN]
2024-05-23 09:59 HK, Delivered
2024-05-23 08:46 HK, Arrived at delivery office
2024-05-22 22:33 HK, Despatched from processing centre (inward office of exchange)
2024-05-22 22:08 HK, Arrived at processing centre (inward office of exchange)
2024-05-21 22:46 CN, Process completed for departure
2024-05-21 22:40 CN, Arrived at processing centre
2024-05-21 20:48 CN, Posted
2024-05-23 09:59 【中國香港】已妥投
2024-05-23 09:04 【中國香港】安排投遞
2024-05-22 22:33 離開【中國香港】處理中心
2024-05-22 22:08 到達寄達地
2024-05-22 22:08 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 07:31 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-22 03:11 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市處理中心】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 22:46 廣州市, 【廣州市處理中心】已出口直封
2024-05-21 22:45 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-21 22:41 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-21 21:57 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州】
2024-05-21 21:57 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-21 20:48 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EB******2**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (2 天)
國家:中國 -> 日本
2024-05-29 17:17 TOKYO,NISHITOKYO, 188-8799, Final delivery
2024-05-29 16:16 TOKYO,NISHITOKYO, 188-8799, Processing at delivery Post Office
2024-05-29 09:21 TOKYO,TOKYO INT, 138-8799, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-29 04:30 TOKYO,TOKYO INT, 138-8799, Held by import Customs
2024-05-29 01:12 TOKYO,TOKYO INT, 138-8799, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-28 01:29 CHINA, Item returned from export Customs
2024-05-28 01:29 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Dispatch from outward office of exchange
2024-05-27 22:44 CHINA, Item presented to export Customs
2024-05-27 22:43 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-27 20:32 CHINA, Posting/Collection
2024-05-29 17:17 【JP】已妥投
2024-05-29 16:29 【JP】安排投遞
2024-05-29 16:16 已到達【JP】投遞局
2024-05-29 15:05 航空公司啟運
2024-05-29 09:21 離開【JP】處理中心
2024-05-29 09:20 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-29 04:30 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-29 04:29 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-29 01:12 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-28 21:33 到達寄達地
2024-05-28 08:54 航空公司接收
2024-05-28 07:34 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-28 03:13 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-28 01:29 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-28 01:29 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-27 22:44 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-27 21:49 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-27 21:49 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-27 20:32 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EB*********CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (3 天)
國家:中國 -> 韓國
2024-05-23 09:00 DONGSUWON, Delivery complete, Recipient : ?**(), Result : Delivery complete
2024-05-23 07:19 DONGSUWON, Delivery preparation
2024-05-23 05:55 DONGSUWON, Arrival at Office of Exchange
2024-05-23 04:46 SUWON MAIL CENTER, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-22 22:55 SUWON MAIL CENTER, Arrival at Office of Exchange
2024-05-22 21:35 INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-22 10:48 INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-21 02:33 CNCAND, Ready for dispatch, Dispatch number : CNCANDKRSELBAEM45906, Flight/Ship No
2024-05-20 22:59 CNCAND, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-20 20:50 510000, Posting/Collection, Posting office zip code : 510000, Transit or Destination country : KOREA
2024-05-23 09:00 【KR】已妥投
2024-05-23 07:24 【KR】安排投遞
2024-05-23 07:19 已到達【KR】投遞局
2024-05-22 22:55 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-22 21:35 離開【KR】處理中心
2024-05-22 14:08 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-22 10:54 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-22 10:49 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 10:48 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-21 22:07 到達寄達地
2024-05-21 13:52 飛機進港
2024-05-21 10:57 航空公司啟運
2024-05-21 09:15 航空公司接收
2024-05-21 06:42 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-21 03:09 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 02:33 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-21 02:33 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-20 23:00 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 21:59 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-20 21:59 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 20:50 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EB******002CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:中國 -> 新西蘭
2024-05-25 08:54 Delivery Complete, Your item has been successfully delivered and was signed for by "Hugoe Moran"
2024-05-25 07:52 With courier for delivery, Your item is with a courier for delivery
2024-05-25 00:17 Christchurch (SOC), At local/regional depot, Your item has been sorted at a parcel depot
2024-05-24 10:50 New Zealand,Auckland, In transit to local depot, Your item has left our International Mail Centre in Auckland and is on its way to a local/regional delivery depot
2024-05-24 06:48 New Zealand,Auckland, International arrival, Your item has arrived in New Zealand
2024-05-23 18:22 New Zealand,Auckland, Pending border clearance, The postal shipment has arrived at the international gateway for unloading and border clearance into New Zealand.
2024-05-21 23:05 China,Guangzhou, International departure, Departure from country of origin. Your item is in transit to New Zealand
2024-05-21 22:40 China,Guangzhou, Processed at outbound depot, Your item has arrived at an overseas depot and is being prepared for sending to New Zealand
2024-05-21 20:47 Picked up/Collected, Your item has been collected by the overseas postal service and is en route to their depot
2024-05-25 08:54 【NZ】已妥投
2024-05-25 07:52 【NZ】安排投遞
2024-05-24 10:50 離開【NZ】處理中心
2024-05-24 06:48 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-23 18:22 到達寄達地
2024-05-23 11:09 飛機進港
2024-05-23 00:45 航空公司啟運
2024-05-22 09:05 航空公司接收
2024-05-22 08:59 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-22 03:11 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 23:05 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-21 23:05 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-21 22:40 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-21 21:57 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-21 21:57 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-21 20:47 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
單號:EB*****2**0CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:中國 -> 澳大利亞
2024-05-17 23:48 Cleared and awaiting international departure
2024-05-17 23:41 Item returned from Customs (Outbound)
2024-05-17 23:41 Cleared and awaiting international departure
2024-05-17 22:43 Arrived at facility
2024-05-17 20:47 COCKALEECHIE SA, 5631, Received item from Sender (Outbound)
2024-05-23 11:35 【AU】已妥投
2024-05-23 10:43 已到達【AU】投遞局
2024-05-22 08:04 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 08:00 到達寄達地
2024-05-19 06:35 飛機進港
2024-05-18 22:16 航空公司啟運
2024-05-18 09:18 航空公司接收
2024-05-18 09:10 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-18 03:08 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-17 23:48 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-17 23:41 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-17 22:43 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-17 21:39 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-17 21:39 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-17 20:47 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LZ00*2**2**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:中國 -> 加拿大
2024-05-29 09:34 CA, BC, COQUITLAM, Delivered
2024-05-29 08:59 CA, BC, COQUITLAM, Item out for delivery
2024-05-29 04:56 CA, BC, COQUITLAM, Item processed
2024-05-28 22:36 CA, BC, BURNABY, Item processed
2024-05-28 18:08 CA, BC, RICHMOND, Item processed
2024-05-28 18:08 CA, BC, RICHMOND, Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing
2024-05-28 16:49 CA, BC, RICHMOND, Item has arrived in Canada and will be presented for review
2024-05-24 10:04 CN, CNXMND, International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada
2024-05-23 17:59 CN, CNXMNA, International item processed in originating country
2024-05-23 11:38 CN, International item mailed in originating country
2024-05-29 09:34 【CA】已妥投
2024-05-29 08:59 【CA】安排投遞
2024-05-29 04:56 已到達【CA】投遞局
2024-05-28 22:36 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-28 18:09 離開【CA】處理中心
2024-05-28 18:08 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-28 16:49 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-28 16:49 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-28 16:38 到達寄達地
2024-05-27 23:45 航空公司啟運
2024-05-27 23:45 航空公司啟運
2024-05-27 19:13 飛機進港
2024-05-27 15:49 航空公司接收
2024-05-25 17:00 航空公司啟運
2024-05-25 16:00 航空公司接收
2024-05-24 13:32 廈門市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-24 11:20 廈門市, 郵件離開【廈門市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-24 10:04 廈門市, 【廈門市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-24 10:04 廈門市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-23 18:00 廈門市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 17:42 廈門市, 郵件離開【廈門市國際公司直屬湖里營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廈門國際】
2024-05-23 17:42 廈門市, 郵件已在【廈門市國際公司直屬湖里營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-23 11:38 廈門市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LP**0*202**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (7 天)
國家:中國 -> 日本
2024-05-28 15:53 AICHI,NAKAGAWA, 454-8799, Final delivery
2024-05-28 05:19 AICHI,NAKAGAWA, 454-8799, Processing at delivery Post Office
2024-05-28 01:00 KANAGAWA,KAWASAKIHIGASHI, 219-8799, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-27 09:00 KANAGAWA,KAWASAKIHIGASHI, 219-8799, Held by import Customs
2024-05-26 11:59 KANAGAWA,KAWASAKIHIGASHI, 219-8799, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-23 08:44 CHINA,XIAMEN EMS, Dispatch from outward office of exchange
2024-05-23 08:43 CHINA, Item returned from export Customs
2024-05-22 18:05 CHINA, Item presented to export Customs
2024-05-22 18:05 CHINA,XIAMEN, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-22 10:56 CHINA, Posting/Collection
2024-05-28 15:53 【JP】已妥投
2024-05-28 08:23 【JP】安排投遞
2024-05-28 05:19 已到達【JP】投遞局
2024-05-28 01:00 離開【JP】處理中心
2024-05-28 00:59 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-27 09:00 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-27 08:59 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-26 11:59 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-25 18:17 到達寄達地
2024-05-25 12:31 飛機進港
2024-05-25 08:30 航空公司啟運
2024-05-23 17:00 航空公司啟運
2024-05-23 16:00 航空公司接收
2024-05-23 10:06 廈門市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-23 09:27 廈門市, 郵件離開【廈門市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-23 08:44 廈門市, 【廈門市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-23 08:43 廈門市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-22 18:05 廈門市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 17:51 廈門市, 郵件離開【廈門市國際公司直屬湖里營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廈門國際】
2024-05-22 17:47 廈門市, 郵件已在【廈門市國際公司直屬湖里營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-22 10:56 廈門市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LR*2****0*2CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (5 天)
國家:中國 -> 美國
2024-05-25 10:22 BURBANK, CA 91502, Delivered, In/At Mailbox -> Your item was delivered in or at the mailbox at 10:22 am on May 25, 2024 in BURBANK, CA 91502.
2024-05-25 06:39 BURBANK, CA 91502, Out for Delivery
2024-05-25 06:28 BURBANK, CA 91505, Arrived at Post Office
2024-05-25 05:45 BURBANK, CA 91505, Arrived at USPS Facility
2024-05-25 04:49 SANTA CLARITA CA DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility
2024-05-25 01:26 SANTA CLARITA CA DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
2024-05-25 00:29 BELL GARDENS, CA 90205, Departed USPS Facility
2024-05-24 19:47 BELL GARDENS, CA 90205, Arrived at USPS Destination Facility
2024-05-24 01:40 LOS ANGELES, CA 90045, Arrived at USPS Facility
2024-05-24 01:31 Inbound Into Customs
2024-05-24 01:31 ISC LOS ANGELES CA (USPS), Processed Through USPS Facility
2024-05-21 09:20 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
2024-05-21 09:20 CHINA,XIAMEN EMS, Processed Through Facility
2024-05-20 17:57 CHINA,XIAMEN, Processed Through Facility
2024-05-20 11:09 CHINA, Acceptance
2024-05-25 10:22 【US】已妥投
2024-05-25 06:39 【US】安排投遞
2024-05-25 06:28 已到達【US】投遞局
2024-05-24 01:40 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-24 01:40 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 01:31 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-24 01:27 到達寄達地
2024-05-24 00:19 航空公司啟運
2024-05-23 23:59 航空公司啟運
2024-05-23 20:57 飛機進港
2024-05-22 15:31 航空公司接收
2024-05-21 17:00 航空公司啟運
2024-05-21 16:00 航空公司接收
2024-05-21 13:07 廈門市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-21 10:16 廈門市, 郵件離開【廈門市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 09:20 廈門市, 【廈門市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-21 09:19 廈門市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-20 17:57 廈門市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 17:46 廈門市, 郵件離開【廈門市國際公司直屬湖里營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廈門國際】
2024-05-20 17:45 廈門市, 郵件已在【廈門市國際公司直屬湖里營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 11:09 廈門市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LZ00*******CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國家:中國 -> 新西蘭
2024-05-24 10:27 Delivery Complete, Your item has been successfully delivered
2024-05-24 07:44 With courier for delivery, Your item is with a courier for delivery
2024-05-23 11:40 New Zealand,Auckland, In transit to local depot, Your item has left our International Mail Centre in Auckland and is on its way to a local/regional delivery depot
2024-05-23 07:30 New Zealand,Auckland, International arrival, Your item has arrived in New Zealand
2024-05-22 17:16 New Zealand,Auckland, Pending border clearance, The postal shipment has arrived at the international gateway for unloading and border clearance into New Zealand.
2024-05-18 08:49 China,Xiamen, International departure, Departure from country of origin. Your item is in transit to New Zealand
2024-05-17 18:05 China,Xiamen, Processed at outbound depot, Your item has arrived at an overseas depot and is being prepared for sending to New Zealand
2024-05-17 11:30 Picked up/Collected, Your item has been collected by the overseas postal service and is en route to their depot
2024-05-24 10:27 【NZ】已妥投
2024-05-24 07:44 【NZ】安排投遞
2024-05-23 11:40 離開【NZ】處理中心
2024-05-23 07:30 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 17:16 到達寄達地
2024-05-22 09:03 飛機進港
2024-05-21 18:42 航空公司啟運
2024-05-18 17:00 航空公司啟運
2024-05-18 16:00 航空公司接收
2024-05-18 10:21 廈門市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-18 09:51 廈門市, 郵件離開【廈門市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-18 08:49 廈門市, 【廈門市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-18 08:48 廈門市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-17 18:05 廈門市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-17 17:19 廈門市, 郵件離開【廈門市國際公司直屬湖里營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廈門國際】
2024-05-17 17:16 廈門市, 郵件已在【廈門市國際公司直屬湖里營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-17 11:30 廈門市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LZ00*******CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (7 天)
國家:中國 -> 澳大利亞
2024-05-29 10:55 PORTLAND VIC, Delivered - Left in a safe place
2024-05-29 07:54 PORTLAND VIC, Onboard for delivery
2024-05-28 13:01 In transit to next facility in AVALON VIC
2024-05-28 12:54 MELBOURNE AIRPORT VIC, Item processed at facility
2024-05-28 08:01 In transit to next facility in MELBOURNE AIRPORT VIC
2024-05-28 07:49 MELBOURNE AIRPORT VIC, Item processed at facility
2024-05-27 07:18 MELBOURNE VIC, Arrived awaiting clearance (Inbound)
2024-05-23 08:33 XIAMEN (CN), CHINA, Cleared and awaiting international departure
2024-05-22 11:01 CHINA, Received item from Sender (Outbound)
2024-05-29 10:55 【AU】已妥投
2024-05-27 07:18 到達寄達地
2024-05-27 07:18 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-26 10:41 飛機進港
2024-05-25 23:46 航空公司啟運
2024-05-25 23:46 航空公司啟運
2024-05-24 14:04 航空公司接收
2024-05-23 17:00 航空公司啟運
2024-05-23 16:00 航空公司接收
2024-05-23 10:01 廈門市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-23 09:27 廈門市, 郵件離開【廈門市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-23 08:33 廈門市, 【廈門市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-23 08:33 廈門市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-22 18:05 廈門市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 17:51 廈門市, 郵件離開【廈門市國際公司直屬湖里營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廈門國際】
2024-05-22 17:47 廈門市, 郵件已在【廈門市國際公司直屬湖里營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-22 11:01 廈門市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LZ00*0*****CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (15 天)
國家:中國 -> 法國
2024-05-31 14:39 FR, Vous avez payé vos droits et taxes de douane lors de la distribution.
2024-05-31 11:11 FR, Votre envoi a été distribué.
2024-05-31 11:08 FR, Votre envoi est sur le site qui dessert votre adresse. Nous préparons sa distribution.
2024-05-30 13:33 FR, Votre envoi est en transit sur nos plateformes logistiques.
2024-05-30 11:13 FR, Les formalités d’importation sont en cours sur votre envoi.
2024-05-29 12:18 FR, Les formalités d’importation de votre envoi sont terminées et il sera livré contre paiement de droits et taxes de douane.
2024-05-21 06:16 CN, Votre envoi est prêt à quitter le territoire étranger. Il va être remis au transporteur pour son acheminement vers la France.
2024-05-21 05:24 CN, Votre envoi est en cours d'acheminement.
2024-05-20 19:26 CN, Votre envoi a été déposé par l'expéditeur chez notre partenaire postal dans son pays d'origine.
2024-05-31 11:11 【FR】已妥投
2024-05-31 11:08 境外投遞點留存
2024-05-30 13:54 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-30 13:33 離開【FR】處理中心
2024-05-30 12:33 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-30 11:13 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待補充文件)
2024-05-30 11:13 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-30 11:00 到達寄達地
2024-05-29 12:18 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-25 11:18 飛機進港
2024-05-24 11:14 航空公司啟運
2024-05-23 12:34 飛機進港
2024-05-23 10:54 航空公司啟運
2024-05-23 09:04 航空公司接收
2024-05-23 08:34 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-21 08:30 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 04:16 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-21 04:15 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-21 03:25 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-20 20:43 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 17:26 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-16 19:01 梅州市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-16 16:54 梅州市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))
單號:LZ00*20**0*CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:中國 -> 香港 [CN]
2024-05-24 11:19 HK, Delivered to letter box
2024-05-23 08:57 HK, Arrived at processing centre (inward office of exchange)
2024-05-21 06:20 CN, Process completed for departure
2024-05-20 17:25 CN, Posted
2024-05-24 11:19 【中國香港】已妥投
2024-05-24 09:26 【中國香港】安排投遞
2024-05-23 14:23 離開【中國香港】處理中心
2024-05-23 08:57 到達寄達地
2024-05-23 08:57 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-21 14:42 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-21 08:30 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市處理中心】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 06:20 廣州市, 【廣州市處理中心】已出口直封
2024-05-21 06:20 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-21 03:25 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州】
2024-05-20 20:43 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 17:25 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LZ00****0**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (7 天)
國家:中國 -> 荷蘭
2024-05-28 14:31 【NL】已妥投
2024-05-28 11:24 【NL】安排投遞
2024-05-28 10:26 【NL】安排投遞
2024-05-27 20:05 已到達【NL】投遞局
2024-05-27 20:04 離開境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-27 20:03 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-27 20:02 離開【NL】處理中心
2024-05-27 19:02 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-27 12:45 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-27 12:32 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-27 12:31 飛機進港
2024-05-27 12:31 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-27 12:16 到達寄達地
2024-05-27 06:48 飛機進港
2024-05-27 00:53 航空公司啟運
2024-05-27 00:50 航空公司啟運
2024-05-26 09:57 航空公司接收
2024-05-26 09:28 航空公司接收
2024-05-26 07:12 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 06:59 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-25 04:17 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-25 04:16 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-25 03:16 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-24 20:42 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-24 17:22 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-22 12:39 梅州市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-22 11:03 梅州市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))

單號:LP*********CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (5 天)
國家:中國 -> 日本
2024-05-29 13:42 NAGASAKI,OMURApostoffice NAGATA Collection and Delivery Center, 859-0399, Final delivery
2024-05-29 08:55 NAGASAKI,OMURApostoffice NAGATA Collection and Delivery Center, 859-0399, Processing at delivery Post Office
2024-05-27 15:45 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-27 09:00 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Held by import Customs
2024-05-27 00:26 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-25 01:40 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Dispatch from outward office of exchange
2024-05-25 01:37 CHINA, Item returned from export Customs
2024-05-25 01:37 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Dispatch from outward office of exchange
2024-05-24 23:49 CHINA, Item presented to export Customs
2024-05-24 23:48 CHINA,GUANGZHOU, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-24 20:56 CHINA, Posting/Collection
2024-05-29 13:42 【JP】已妥投
2024-05-29 11:27 【JP】安排投遞
2024-05-29 08:55 已到達【JP】投遞局
2024-05-27 15:45 離開【JP】處理中心
2024-05-27 15:44 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-27 09:00 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-27 08:59 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-27 00:26 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-26 13:54 到達寄達地
2024-05-26 08:40 航空公司啟運
2024-05-25 09:12 航空公司接收
2024-05-25 08:20 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 03:51 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-25 01:40 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-25 01:37 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-24 23:49 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 22:39 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-24 22:38 廣州市, 郵件已在【廣東省國際公司直屬花地灣營業(yè)部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-24 20:56 廣州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LP*****0***CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (5 天)
國家:中國 -> 柬埔寨
2024-05-29 15:47 PHNOM PENH, Final delivery
2024-05-29 08:01 PHNOM PENH, Arrival at delivery office
2024-05-28 15:24 PHNOM PENH, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-28 15:22 PHNOM PENH, Item returned from Customs (import)
2024-05-28 13:32 PHNOM PENH, Held by customs
2024-05-28 13:30 PHNOM PENH, Item presented to import Customs
2024-05-28 13:29 PHNOM PENH, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-25 05:39 GUANGZHOU EM, Departure from outward office of exchange
2024-05-25 05:38 GZSGJHHJ, Item returned from export Customs/Security
2024-05-25 03:16 GZSGJHHJ, Item presented to export Customs/Security
2024-05-24 17:41 Posting/Collection
2024-05-29 15:47 【KH】已妥投
2024-05-29 08:01 已到達【KH】投遞局
2024-05-28 15:24 離開【KH】處理中心
2024-05-28 15:22 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-28 13:32 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-28 13:30 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-28 13:29 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-28 11:52 到達寄達地
2024-05-27 00:52 飛機進港
2024-05-26 22:37 航空公司啟運
2024-05-26 09:28 航空公司接收
2024-05-26 08:59 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 06:59 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-25 05:39 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-25 05:38 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-25 03:16 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-24 20:42 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-24 17:41 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LZ000***0**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (18 天)
國家:中國 -> 德國
2024-05-24 13:53 Germany, The shipment has been successfully delivered
2024-05-24 08:33 The shipment has been loaded onto the delivery vehicle
2024-05-24 02:57 Germany, The shipment is being prepared for onward transport.
2024-05-23 08:09 Germany, The shipment is being prepared for onward transport.
2024-05-22 15:42 Germany, The shipment is in the process of customs clearance for import into the destination country/region. Please find more information here.
2024-05-22 15:38 Germany, The customs clearance process for import into the destination country/region has started. Please find more information here.
2024-05-22 15:37 The shipment has arrived in the destination country/destination area
2024-05-17 16:20 China VR, The shipment has been declared for export customs clearance.
2024-05-17 16:20 China VR, The shipment will be transported to the destination country/destination area and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization.
2024-05-17 16:20 China VR, The shipment has arrived at the export parcel center
2024-05-17 16:19 China VR, The shipment has been released after its additional inspection in the country of origin. Please find more information here.
2024-05-16 16:53 China VR, The shipment has been released after its additional inspection in the country of origin. Please find more information here.
2024-05-16 08:45 China VR, The shipment has been declared for export customs clearance.
2024-05-14 15:30 China VR, The shipment has arrived at the parcel center of origin
2024-05-24 13:53 【DE】已妥投
2024-05-24 08:33 【DE】安排投遞
2024-05-24 07:33 已到達【DE】投遞局
2024-05-23 08:09 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-22 15:42 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-22 15:38 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 15:37 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 08:04 到達寄達地
2024-05-21 07:08 飛機進港
2024-05-21 01:02 航空公司啟運
2024-05-20 21:03 飛機進港
2024-05-20 15:45 航空公司啟運
2024-05-19 11:35 航空公司接收
2024-05-18 14:13 上海市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-17 16:20 上海市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-17 16:20 上海市, 【上海市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-17 16:19 上海市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-17 13:18 上海市, 郵件離開【上海市寄遞事業(yè)部航空中心嘉民包件車間】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-17 11:31 上海市, 郵件到達【上海市寄遞事業(yè)部航空中心嘉民包件車間】
2024-05-17 09:25 上海市, 郵件到達【上海市】,準備發(fā)往【上海市寄遞事業(yè)部航空中心嘉民包件車間】
2024-05-17 07:35 太原市, 郵件已乘機由【太原市】飛往【上海市】
2024-05-16 16:53 太原市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-16 08:45 太原市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-16 07:46 太原市, 郵件離開【山西省寄遞事業(yè)部航空郵件處理中心包件車間】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-15 20:57 太原市, 郵件到達【山西省寄遞事業(yè)部航空郵件處理中心包件車間】
2024-05-14 16:59 太原市, 郵件離開【太原市國際客戶塢城路攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【太原市】
2024-05-14 16:59 太原市, 郵件已在【太原市國際客戶塢城路攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-14 15:30 太原市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-07 11:34 太原市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-07 10:44 太原市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))

單號:LZ00**2*0**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (16 天)
國家:中國 -> 意大利
2024-05-29 14:27 FIRENZE FI, Consegnata
2024-05-29 09:39 FIRENZE FI, Pronta per la consegna
2024-05-29 09:19 FIRENZE FI, In consegna
2024-05-29 05:58 SESTO FIORENTINO FI, In lavorazione presso il Centro Operativo Postale
2024-05-28 21:42 SESTO FIORENTINO FI, In lavorazione presso il Centro Operativo Postale
2024-05-28 12:42 MILANO MI, In lavorazione presso il Centro Operativo Postale
2024-05-28 12:41 La verifica per lo svincolo della spedizione è conclusa
2024-05-28 04:04 Centro Scambi Internazionale, In lavorazione presso il Centro Scambi Internazionale
2024-05-21 16:30 SAINTE HELENE, E' in corso la verifica per lo svincolo della spedizione
2024-05-21 16:30 CINA, In lavorazione presso il Centro Scambi Internazionale
2024-05-21 16:29 SAINTE HELENE, La verifica per lo svincolo della spedizione è conclusa
2024-05-20 14:58 *****, La verifica per lo svincolo della spedizione è conclusa
2024-05-20 08:30 *****, E' in corso la verifica per lo svincolo della spedizione
2024-05-18 11:22 CINA, Presa in carico all'estero
2024-05-29 14:27 【IT】已妥投
2024-05-29 09:39 【IT】安排投遞
2024-05-29 08:09 已到達【IT】投遞局
2024-05-28 12:42 離開【IT】處理中心
2024-05-28 12:41 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-28 04:05 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-28 04:04 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-27 07:47 飛機進港
2024-05-27 00:47 航空公司啟運
2024-05-24 22:02 飛機進港
2024-05-24 01:10 航空公司啟運
2024-05-23 10:41 航空公司接收
2024-05-22 13:45 上海市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-21 16:30 上海市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-21 16:30 上海市, 【上海市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-21 16:29 上海市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-21 12:54 上海市, 郵件離開【上海市寄遞事業(yè)部航空中心嘉民包件車間】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 11:37 上海市, 郵件到達【上海市寄遞事業(yè)部航空中心嘉民包件車間】
2024-05-21 09:28 上海市, 郵件到達【上海市】,準備發(fā)往【上海市寄遞事業(yè)部航空中心嘉民包件車間】
2024-05-21 07:34 太原市, 郵件已乘機由【太原市】飛往【上海市】
2024-05-20 14:58 太原市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-20 08:30 太原市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 07:42 太原市, 郵件離開【山西省寄遞事業(yè)部航空郵件處理中心包件車間】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-19 20:03 太原市, 郵件到達【山西省寄遞事業(yè)部航空郵件處理中心包件車間】
2024-05-18 12:02 太原市, 郵件離開【太原市國際客戶塢城路攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【太原市】
2024-05-18 12:02 太原市, 郵件已在【太原市國際客戶塢城路攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-18 11:22 太原市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-14 17:39 太原市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-14 09:44 太原市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))

單號:LV*******0*CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (23 天)
國家:中國 -> 荷蘭
2024-05-25 10:18 【NL】已妥投
2024-05-25 07:58 【NL】安排投遞
2024-05-25 06:51 【NL】安排投遞
2024-05-25 06:45 【NL】安排投遞
2024-05-24 22:55 已到達【NL】投遞局
2024-05-24 22:54 離開境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-24 22:53 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-24 22:52 離開【NL】處理中心
2024-05-24 21:52 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-24 17:11 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-24 16:58 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 16:57 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-24 16:32 到達寄達地
2024-05-23 13:30 飛機進港
2024-05-23 07:50 航空公司啟運
2024-05-19 00:45 飛機進港
2024-05-18 21:40 航空公司啟運
2024-05-18 09:26 航空公司接收
2024-05-18 03:45 北京市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-17 10:20 北京市, 【北京國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-17 10:19 北京市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-17 09:22 北京市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-17 08:52 北京市, 郵件離開【北京航郵航站運輸車間】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-17 06:13 北京市, 郵件到達【北京航郵航站運輸車間】
2024-05-16 16:54 太原市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-16 08:45 太原市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-16 07:46 太原市, 郵件離開【山西省寄遞事業(yè)部航空郵件處理中心包件車間】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-15 20:57 太原市, 郵件到達【山西省寄遞事業(yè)部航空郵件處理中心包件車間】
2024-05-14 16:59 太原市, 郵件離開【太原市國際客戶塢城路攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【太原市】
2024-05-14 16:59 太原市, 郵件已在【太原市國際客戶塢城路攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-14 15:30 太原市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-03 00:44 太原市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-02 23:05 太原市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))

單號:LR*2*******CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (11 天)
國家:中國 -> 美國
2024-05-29 11:01 WHITE PLAINS, NY 10605, Delivered, Front Door/Porch -> Your item was delivered at the front door or porch at 11:01 am on May 29, 2024 in WHITE PLAINS, NY 10605.
2024-05-29 06:10 WHITE PLAINS, NY 10605, Out for Delivery
2024-05-29 03:03 WHITE PLAINS, NY 10606, Arrived at Post Office
2024-05-28 14:54 WHITE PLAINS NY DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility
2024-05-28 07:06 WHITE PLAINS NY DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
2024-05-28 06:32 STAMFORD CT DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility
2024-05-28 05:46 STAMFORD CT DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Facility
2024-05-28 04:55 QUEENS NY DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Departed USPS Regional Facility
2024-05-27 13:57 QUEENS NY DISTRIBUTION CENTER, Arrived at USPS Regional Destination Facility
2024-05-27 05:53 ISC NEW YORK NY(USPS), Processed Through USPS Facility
2024-05-22 08:57 Origin Post is Preparing Shipment
2024-05-22 08:57 CHINA,QINGDAO, Processed Through Facility
2024-05-22 08:57 CHINA,QINGDAO EMS, Processed Through Facility
2024-05-18 11:21 CHINA, Acceptance
2024-05-29 11:01 【US】已妥投
2024-05-29 06:10 【US】安排投遞
2024-05-29 03:03 已到達【US】投遞局
2024-05-27 13:57 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-27 05:53 到達寄達地
2024-05-27 05:53 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-26 22:52 航空公司啟運
2024-05-23 22:50 飛機進港
2024-05-23 02:20 航空公司啟運
2024-05-22 15:01 航空公司接收
2024-05-22 09:52 青島市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-22 08:57 青島市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 08:57 青島市, 【青島市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-22 08:56 青島市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-22 00:23 青島市, 郵件離開【青島市郵區(qū)中心航空中心交換站】
2024-05-21 22:00 青島市, 郵件到達【青島市郵區(qū)中心航空中心交換站】
2024-05-21 17:29 青島市, 郵件到達【青島市】,準備發(fā)往【青島市郵區(qū)中心航空中心交換站】
2024-05-21 16:02 太原市, 郵件已乘機由【太原市】飛往【青島市】
2024-05-20 15:00 太原市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-20 08:30 太原市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 07:42 太原市, 郵件離開【山西省寄遞事業(yè)部航空郵件處理中心包件車間】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-19 20:03 太原市, 郵件到達【山西省寄遞事業(yè)部航空郵件處理中心包件車間】
2024-05-18 12:02 太原市, 郵件離開【太原市國際客戶塢城路攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【太原市】
2024-05-18 12:02 太原市, 郵件已在【太原市國際客戶塢城路攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-18 11:21 太原市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:LZ00*******CN 狀態(tài):運輸途中 (19 天)
國家:中國 -> 西班牙
2024-05-18 15:28 EN CAMINO, En aduana de origen, Envío presentado en la aduana de origen
2024-05-18 15:28 EN CAMINO, En oficina de cambio, El envío ha llegado al centro logístico internacional de origen
2024-05-18 15:28 EN CAMINO, Salida de oficina de cambio, El envío ha salido del centro logístico internacional de origen y se ha cursado a destino
2024-05-18 15:27 EN CAMINO, Finalizada tramitación aduanera, El envío ha finalizado el proceso aduanero de exportación en origen
2024-05-17 17:39 EN CAMINO, Finalizada tramitación aduanera, El envío ha finalizado el proceso aduanero de exportación en origen
2024-05-17 08:11 EN CAMINO, En aduana de origen, Envío presentado en la aduana de origen
2024-05-15 14:54 EN CAMINO, Admitido, El envío ha tenido admisión en origen
2024-05-31 10:34 航空公司接收
2024-05-30 14:42 上海市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-18 15:28 上海市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-18 15:28 上海市, 【上海市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-18 15:27 上海市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-18 13:02 上海市, 郵件離開【上海市寄遞事業(yè)部航空中心嘉民包件車間】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-18 11:27 上海市, 郵件到達【上海市寄遞事業(yè)部航空中心嘉民包件車間】
2024-05-18 09:45 上海市, 郵件到達【上海市】,準備發(fā)往【上海市寄遞事業(yè)部航空中心嘉民包件車間】
2024-05-18 07:34 太原市, 郵件已乘機由【太原市】飛往【上海市】
2024-05-17 17:39 太原市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-17 08:11 太原市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-17 07:52 太原市, 郵件離開【山西省寄遞事業(yè)部航空郵件處理中心包件車間】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-16 20:31 太原市, 郵件到達【山西省寄遞事業(yè)部航空郵件處理中心包件車間】
2024-05-15 15:30 太原市, 郵件離開【太原市國際客戶塢城路攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【太原市】
2024-05-15 15:30 太原市, 郵件已在【太原市國際客戶塢城路攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-15 14:54 太原市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-13 12:41 太原市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-13 10:48 太原市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))
單號:TSLSZ**0**2****YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (12 天)
國家:中國 -> 克羅地亞
2024-05-29 08:37 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-29 07:22 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-29 07:06 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-28 11:03 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-27 16:20 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-24 17:57 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 17:32 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-23 11:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-22 17:19 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-22 11:27 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-21 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-20 09:26 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-22 11:00:00
2024-05-18 18:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-18 10:00 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-18 08:57 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-18 01:44 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-17 11:05 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-17 11:03 The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號:TSLSZ**0****2*2YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (14 天)
國家:中國 -> 意大利
2024-05-28 13:34 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-28 09:37 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-28 09:15 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-28 05:57 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-27 13:42 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-25 03:17 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-24 17:54 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 17:32 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-23 11:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-22 17:19 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-22 11:27 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-21 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-20 09:26 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-22 11:00:00
2024-05-18 18:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-17 09:47 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-17 09:00 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-15 21:37 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-15 10:24 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-15 10:24 The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號:TSLSZ**0***2***YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (14 天)
國家:中國 -> 波蘭
2024-05-24 11:04 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-24 08:02 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-24 02:45 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-24 02:45 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-24 02:44 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-23 20:27 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 14:17 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 19:08 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 12:52 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-20 12:00 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-20 09:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-20 07:00 DPD, Waiting for customs clearance
2024-05-17 16:37 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-17 10:45 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-15 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-14 16:59 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-17 12:00:00
2024-05-14 16:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-13 09:47 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-13 08:57 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-12 21:39 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-10 15:41 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-10 15:39 The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號:TSLSZ**0****00*YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (11 天)
國家:中國 -> 德國
2024-05-24 13:45 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-24 06:33 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-24 06:31 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-24 00:47 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 17:51 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 12:22 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-22 10:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-21 13:24 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-20 09:00 DPD, Waiting on connecting flight
2024-05-19 11:24 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-17 09:08 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-19 11:00:00
2024-05-17 09:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-16 10:04 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-16 09:00 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-15 21:04 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-13 16:01 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-13 16:00 The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號:TSLSZ**0*******YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (13 天)
國家:中國 -> 荷蘭
2024-05-27 14:41 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-25 06:12 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-24 03:33 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 18:07 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 12:22 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-22 10:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-21 13:24 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-20 09:00 DPD, Waiting on connecting flight
2024-05-19 11:24 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-17 09:08 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-19 11:00:00
2024-05-17 09:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-16 10:03 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-16 09:00 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-16 00:30 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-15 13:40 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-15 13:39 The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號:TSLSZ**0*******YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (14 天)
國家:中國 -> 法國
2024-05-25 10:35 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-25 07:16 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-25 06:15 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-25 06:14 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-24 12:08 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 17:20 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 12:31 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-20 11:00 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-20 09:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-20 06:13 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-19 08:00 DPD, Waiting on connecting flight
2024-05-17 08:58 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-16 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-15 17:12 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-17 10:00:00
2024-05-15 15:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-13 09:45 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-13 08:57 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-12 19:41 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-11 13:04 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-11 13:03 The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號:TSLSZ**0*******YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (15 天)
國家:中國 -> 立陶宛
2024-05-28 08:11 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-28 05:02 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-28 05:01 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-27 16:57 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-26 18:21 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-26 10:48 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-24 21:45 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-24 18:08 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 12:22 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-22 10:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-21 13:24 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-20 09:00 DPD, Waiting on connecting flight
2024-05-19 11:24 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-17 09:08 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-19 11:00:00
2024-05-17 09:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-16 10:03 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-16 09:00 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-15 21:38 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-13 16:51 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-13 16:50 The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號:TSLSZ**0*******YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (16 天)
國家:中國 -> 捷克
2024-05-28 12:03 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-28 07:36 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-28 06:39 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-27 15:18 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-24 21:41 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-24 18:15 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 12:22 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-22 10:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-21 13:24 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-20 09:00 DPD, Waiting on connecting flight
2024-05-19 11:24 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-17 09:08 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-19 11:00:00
2024-05-17 09:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-14 11:41 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-14 09:01 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-13 01:09 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-12 13:59 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-12 13:59 The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號:TSLSZ**0******2YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (13 天)
國家:中國 -> 荷蘭
2024-05-25 11:26 DPD, Delivered. Delivery to third party with notification.
2024-05-25 02:34 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-24 03:33 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 18:00 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 12:22 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-22 10:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-21 13:24 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-20 09:00 DPD, Waiting on connecting flight
2024-05-19 11:24 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-17 09:08 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-19 11:00:00
2024-05-17 09:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-15 10:04 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-15 08:47 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-13 15:38 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-13 11:14 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-13 11:13 The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號:TSLSZ**0***00*2YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (20 天)
國家:中國 -> 羅馬尼亞
2024-05-28 15:03 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-28 14:03 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-28 07:25 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-28 00:32 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-27 12:24 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-24 17:30 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 17:57 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 12:22 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-22 10:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-21 13:24 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-20 09:00 DPD, Waiting on connecting flight
2024-05-19 11:24 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-17 09:08 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-19 11:00:00
2024-05-17 09:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-15 09:57 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-15 08:47 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-14 20:14 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-08 14:25 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-08 14:25 The Item is at the shippers warehouse

單號:TSLSZ**0***00*2YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (20 天)
國家:中國 -> 羅馬尼亞
2024-05-28 15:03 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-28 14:03 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-28 07:25 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-28 00:32 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-27 12:24 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-24 17:30 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 17:57 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 12:22 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-22 10:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-21 13:24 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-20 09:00 DPD, Waiting on connecting flight
2024-05-19 11:24 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-17 09:08 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-19 11:00:00
2024-05-17 09:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-15 09:57 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-15 08:47 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-14 20:14 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-08 14:25 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-08 14:25 The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號:TSLSZ**0*******YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (16 天)
國家:中國 -> 德國
2024-05-24 15:32 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-24 06:59 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-24 06:42 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-24 03:23 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 18:15 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-23 11:18 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-23 10:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-22 15:14 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-20 14:00 DPD, Waiting on connecting flight
2024-05-19 20:26 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-17 09:10 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-19 11:00:00
2024-05-16 18:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-11 10:13 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-11 08:56 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-10 20:20 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-09 10:51 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-09 10:51 The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號:TSLSZ**0***2***YQ 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (18 天)
國家:中國 -> 法國
2024-05-28 11:25 DPD, Delivered.
2024-05-28 06:31 DPD, Out for delivery.
2024-05-28 00:02 DPD, At parcel delivery centre.
2024-05-27 21:12 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-25 02:56 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-24 18:05 DPD, In transit.
2024-05-22 12:22 DPD, Customs cleared. Awaiting pick up
2024-05-22 10:00 DPD, Customs Clearance in progress
2024-05-21 13:24 DPD, Flight has arrived
2024-05-20 09:00 DPD, Waiting on connecting flight
2024-05-19 11:24 DPD, Flight has departed
2024-05-18 09:00 DPD, Export declaration in progress
2024-05-17 09:08 DPD, Estimated flight departure date 2024-05-19 11:00:00
2024-05-17 09:00 DPD, Shipment departed from warehouse
2024-05-14 11:38 DPD, Item accepted.
2024-05-14 09:01 Take Send Logistics, Leaving the distribution center
2024-05-12 21:39 Take Send Logistics, Enter the distribution center
2024-05-10 15:09 DPD, Item information received.
2024-05-10 15:08 The Item is at the shippers warehouse
單號:FB*0*0*****CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:中國 -> 臺灣 [CN]
2024-05-27 15:30 臺南郵局快捷股, 投遞成功
2024-05-27 09:08 臺南中心特種郵件股, 離開寄達地互換局, 免課稅:, 本件將轉(zhuǎn)往:臺南郵局快捷股, 清單號碼:482
2024-05-26 14:09 臺北郵件中心包進股, 海關(guān)查驗, 將轉(zhuǎn)下列驗關(guān)局查驗:臺南中心特種郵件股
2024-05-26 13:39 臺北郵件中心包進股, 到達寄達地互換局, 原寄地:大陸地區(qū), 出口局:GUANGZHOU, 總包號碼:9096
2024-05-24 04:43 大陸地區(qū), 已出口-資料詳如右方, 寄達地:中華民國, 寄達互換局:TAIPEI, 總包號碼:9096
2024-05-23 17:33 交寄郵件, 寄達地:中華民國
2024-05-27 15:30 【中國臺灣】已妥投
2024-05-27 09:08 離開【中國臺灣】處理中心
2024-05-26 14:09 進口海關(guān)留存待驗
2024-05-26 13:39 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-25 13:26 飛機進港
2024-05-25 11:36 航空公司啟運
2024-05-25 09:12 航空公司接收
2024-05-25 07:34 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-24 06:25 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市處理中心】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-24 04:43 廣州市, 【廣州市處理中心】已出口直封
2024-05-24 04:42 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-24 03:32 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 20:47 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州】
2024-05-23 20:46 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-23 17:33 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0****2***CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (5 天)
國家:中國 -> 阿聯(lián)酋
2024-05-23 14:52 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Delivered To Evan Saeed
2024-05-23 08:16 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Out For Delivery
2024-05-23 04:00 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Arrived At Dubai
2024-05-22 22:37 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Shipped To Dubai
2024-05-22 17:37 Dubai, United Arab Emirates, Arrived At Dubai
2024-05-22 15:49 Dubai Sorting Centre, United Arab Emirates, Shipped To Dubai
2024-05-22 14:02 Dubai Sorting Centre, United Arab Emirates, Arrived At Dubai Sorting Centre
2024-05-19 04:15 China P. Rep., Shipped To
2024-05-18 17:54 514000, Received At Counter
2024-05-23 14:52 【AE】已妥投
2024-05-23 08:16 【AE】安排投遞
2024-05-22 17:38 【AE】安排投遞
2024-05-22 17:37 已到達【AE】投遞局
2024-05-22 15:49 離開【AE】處理中心
2024-05-22 15:48 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-22 14:03 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 14:02 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 00:54 到達寄達地
2024-05-21 03:10 飛機進港
2024-05-20 19:23 航空公司啟運
2024-05-20 07:51 航空公司接收
2024-05-20 06:49 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-19 05:57 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-19 04:15 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-19 04:14 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-19 03:17 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-18 20:39 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-18 20:39 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-18 17:54 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0*0***0**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (5 天)
國家:中國 -> 澳大利亞
2024-05-29 11:37 CAMPSIE NSW, Delivered
2024-05-29 07:41 CHULLORA NSW, Onboard for delivery
2024-05-29 05:19 In transit to next facility in SYDNEY SOUTH WEST NSW
2024-05-29 03:58 SYDNEY SOUTH WEST NSW, Item processed at facility
2024-05-28 21:24 In transit to next facility in SYDNEY SOUTH WEST NSW
2024-05-28 18:13 KEMPS CREEK NSW, Item processed at facility
2024-05-28 17:30 KEMPS CREEK NSW, Arrived at sorting facility
2024-05-28 13:32 SYDNEY NSW, International arrival - awaiting clearance
2024-05-25 04:11 GUANGZHOU (CN), CHINA, Cleared and awaiting international departure
2024-05-25 03:10 GUANGZHOU (CN), CHINA, Arrived at facility
2024-05-24 17:39 CHINA, Received item from Sender (Outbound)
2024-05-29 11:37 【AU】已妥投
2024-05-29 07:41 已到達【AU】投遞局
2024-05-29 03:58 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-28 18:13 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-28 13:33 到達寄達地
2024-05-28 13:32 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-27 16:24 飛機進港
2024-05-27 08:18 航空公司啟運
2024-05-26 09:28 航空公司接收
2024-05-26 09:00 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 05:33 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-25 04:11 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-25 04:11 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-25 03:11 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-24 20:42 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-24 17:39 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0*02*****CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:中國 -> 日本
2024-05-29 17:59 SAGA,KANZAKI, 842-8799, Final delivery
2024-05-29 16:30 SAGA,KANZAKI, 842-8799, Processing at delivery Post Office
2024-05-29 13:40 FUKUOKA,KURUMEHIGASHI, 839-8799, En route
2024-05-29 12:00 FUKUOKA,SHINFUKUOKA, 811-8799, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-29 09:21 FUKUOKA,SHINFUKUOKA, 811-8799, In Customs
2024-05-29 09:00 FUKUOKA,SHINFUKUOKA, 811-8799, Held by import Customs
2024-05-28 16:29 FUKUOKA,SHINFUKUOKA, 811-8799, Arrival at over land transport
2024-05-28 09:00 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Dispatch to overland transport
2024-05-27 18:41 OSAKA,OSAKA INT, 549-8799, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-25 04:22 CHINA, Item returned from export Customs
2024-05-25 04:22 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Dispatch from outward office of exchange
2024-05-25 03:11 CHINA, Item presented to export Customs
2024-05-25 03:11 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-24 17:44 CHINA, Posting/Collection
2024-05-29 17:59 【JP】已妥投
2024-05-29 16:36 【JP】安排投遞
2024-05-29 16:30 已到達【JP】投遞局
2024-05-29 13:40 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-29 12:00 離開【JP】處理中心
2024-05-29 11:59 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-29 09:21 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(因不明原因被邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門扣留)
2024-05-29 09:00 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-29 08:59 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-27 18:41 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-27 15:31 到達寄達地
2024-05-27 13:17 航空公司啟運
2024-05-27 09:30 飛機進港
2024-05-27 05:00 航空公司啟運
2024-05-26 07:23 航空公司接收
2024-05-26 07:10 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 05:33 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-25 04:22 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-25 04:22 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-25 03:11 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-24 20:42 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-24 17:44 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0*0**220*CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (5 天)
國家:中國 -> 韓國
2024-05-28 11:08 SL.SONGPA, Delivery complete, Recipient : ?**(), Result : Delivery complete
2024-05-28 09:05 SL.SONGPA, Delivery preparation
2024-05-27 12:54 EASTSEOUL MAIL CENTER, Arrival at Office of Exchange
2024-05-27 12:26 SL.SONGPA, Arrival at Office of Exchange
2024-05-27 12:04 EASTSEOUL MAIL CENTER, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-27 10:41 INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-27 09:32 INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-24 04:06 CNCAND, Ready for dispatch, Dispatch number : CNCANDKRSELBAEM45927, Flight/Ship No
2024-05-24 03:25 CNCAND, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-23 17:39 514000, Posting/Collection, Posting office zip code : 514000, Transit or Destination country : KOREA
2024-05-28 11:08 【KR】已妥投
2024-05-28 09:10 【KR】安排投遞
2024-05-28 09:05 已到達【KR】投遞局
2024-05-27 12:54 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-27 10:41 離開【KR】處理中心
2024-05-27 09:33 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-27 09:32 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-26 10:12 到達寄達地
2024-05-25 14:01 飛機進港
2024-05-25 10:57 航空公司啟運
2024-05-25 09:12 航空公司接收
2024-05-25 07:33 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-24 06:25 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-24 04:06 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-24 04:05 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-24 03:25 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 20:47 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-23 20:46 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-23 17:39 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0*00*****CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:中國 -> 加拿大
2024-05-24 12:21 Signature available
2024-05-24 12:21 CA, AB, CALGARY, Delivered
2024-05-24 09:35 CA, AB, CALGARY, Item out for delivery
2024-05-24 07:42 CA, AB, CALGARY, Item processed
2024-05-24 06:07 CA, AB, CALGARY, Item processed
2024-05-23 18:18 CA, BC, RICHMOND, Item in transit
2024-05-23 15:18 CA, BC, RICHMOND, Item processed
2024-05-23 15:11 CA, BC, RICHMOND, Item was released by Customs and is now with Canada Post for processing
2024-05-23 15:11 CA, BC, RICHMOND, Item processed
2024-05-23 13:08 CA, BC, RICHMOND, Item has arrived in Canada and will be presented for review
2024-05-21 04:10 CN, CNCAND, International item has left originating country and is en route to Canada
2024-05-21 03:16 CN, CNCAND, International item processed in originating country
2024-05-20 17:30 CN, 514000, International item mailed in originating country
2024-05-24 12:21 【CA】已妥投
2024-05-24 09:35 【CA】安排投遞
2024-05-24 07:42 已到達【CA】投遞局
2024-05-24 06:12 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-24 06:07 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-23 15:18 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-23 15:11 離開【CA】處理中心
2024-05-23 15:10 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-23 13:08 到達寄達地
2024-05-23 13:08 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 13:08 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 18:07 航空公司啟運
2024-05-22 14:36 飛機進港
2024-05-22 09:36 航空公司接收
2024-05-21 10:36 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-21 05:32 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 04:10 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-21 04:10 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-21 03:16 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-20 20:43 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 17:30 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0*000****CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (7 天)
國家:中國 -> 瑞士
2024-05-24 14:14 CH, Delivered
2024-05-24 06:51 CH, Baar 3 Zustellung Pakete, Loading into delivery vehicle
2024-05-24 05:39 CH, Baar 3 Zustellung, Arrival at the collection/delivery point
2024-05-23 22:22 CH, Urdorf Paketzentrum, Sorted for delivery
2024-05-23 16:35 CH, Urdorf Paketzentrum, Sorted for delivery
2024-05-23 14:47 Sorting - forwarding
2024-05-23 14:42 Completion of customs clearance process
2024-05-23 14:39 CH-8970 Urdorf EO, Customs clearance process underway
2024-05-23 14:38 CH-8970 Urdorf EO, Arrival in destination country
2024-05-21 04:18 Guanghzhou EMS, The consignment has left the border point
2024-05-21 04:17 GZSGJHHJ, Completion of export customs clearance
2024-05-21 03:16 GZSGJHHJ, Export customs clearance
2024-05-21 03:15 Guanghzhou EMS, Arrival at the processing/collection point
2024-05-20 17:31 514000, Time at which your consignment was mailed
2024-05-24 14:14 【CH】已妥投
2024-05-24 06:51 已到達【CH】投遞局
2024-05-24 05:39 已到達【CH】投遞局
2024-05-23 14:47 離開【CH】處理中心
2024-05-23 14:42 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-23 14:39 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 14:38 到達寄達地
2024-05-23 14:38 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-23 06:59 飛機進港
2024-05-22 23:59 航空公司啟運
2024-05-22 11:23 航空公司接收
2024-05-21 10:39 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-21 05:32 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 04:18 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-21 04:17 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-21 03:16 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-20 20:43 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 17:31 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-18 11:24 梅州市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-18 09:20 梅州市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))

單號:EV0*00***2*CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:中國 -> 日本
2024-05-24 15:57 TOKYO,AKASAKA, 107-8799, Final delivery
2024-05-24 05:24 TOKYO,AKASAKA, 107-8799, Processing at delivery Post Office
2024-05-23 20:09 TOKYO,TOKYO INT, 138-8799, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-23 20:00 TOKYO,TOKYO INT, 138-8799, Held by import Customs
2024-05-23 17:33 TOKYO,TOKYO INT, 138-8799, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-21 04:23 CHINA, Item returned from export Customs
2024-05-21 04:23 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Dispatch from outward office of exchange
2024-05-21 03:16 CHINA, Item presented to export Customs
2024-05-21 03:16 CHINA,GUANGZHOU EMS, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-20 17:30 CHINA, Posting/Collection
2024-05-24 15:57 【JP】已妥投
2024-05-24 14:22 【JP】安排投遞
2024-05-24 05:24 已到達【JP】投遞局
2024-05-23 20:09 離開【JP】處理中心
2024-05-23 20:08 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-23 20:00 飛機進港
2024-05-23 20:00 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-23 19:59 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 17:33 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-23 15:05 航空公司啟運
2024-05-23 11:41 到達寄達地
2024-05-22 10:04 航空公司接收
2024-05-22 07:42 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-21 05:32 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-21 04:23 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-21 04:23 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-21 03:16 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-20 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-20 20:43 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-20 17:30 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0*****2*0CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國家:中國 -> 德國
2024-05-23 12:09 Germany, The shipment has been successfully delivered
2024-05-23 08:12 Germany, The shipment has been loaded onto the delivery vehicle
2024-05-23 06:13 Germany, The shipment is being prepared for delivery in the delivery depot
2024-05-23 00:02 Germany, The shipment has been processed in the parcel center
2024-05-22 22:29 Germany, The shipment has arrived at the parcel center
2024-05-22 21:10 Germany, The shipment has been processed in the parcel center
2024-05-22 15:01 Germany, The shipment has left the import parcel center in the destination country/destination area.
2024-05-22 14:56 Germany, The customs clearance process for import into the destination country/region has been completed. Please find more information here.
2024-05-22 14:44 Germany, The shipment is in the process of customs clearance for import into the destination country/region. Please find more information here.
2024-05-22 14:37 Germany, The customs clearance process for import into the destination country/region has started. Please find more information here.
2024-05-22 14:36 The shipment has arrived in the destination country/destination area
2024-05-19 04:09 China VR, The shipment has been released after its additional inspection in the country of origin. Please find more information here.
2024-05-19 04:09 China VR, The shipment will be transported to the destination country/destination area and, from there, handed over to the delivery organization.
2024-05-19 03:16 China VR, The shipment has been declared for export customs clearance.
2024-05-19 03:16 China VR, The shipment has arrived at the export parcel center
2024-05-18 17:58 China VR, The shipment has arrived at the parcel center of origin
2024-05-23 12:09 【DE】已妥投
2024-05-23 08:12 【DE】安排投遞
2024-05-23 06:13 已到達【DE】投遞局
2024-05-23 00:02 離開境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-22 22:29 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-22 21:19 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-22 21:10 離開境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-22 20:24 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-22 15:01 離開【DE】處理中心
2024-05-22 14:56 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-22 14:44 境外進口海關(guān)留存待驗(等待提交給邊境機構(gòu)/安全部門)
2024-05-22 14:37 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 14:36 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 14:35 到達寄達地
2024-05-22 11:50 飛機進港
2024-05-22 00:22 航空公司啟運
2024-05-22 00:16 航空公司啟運
2024-05-21 09:59 航空公司接收
2024-05-21 09:15 航空公司接收
2024-05-21 08:46 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-19 05:57 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-19 04:09 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-19 04:09 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-19 03:16 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-18 20:39 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-18 20:39 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-18 17:58 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-16 18:25 梅州市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-16 17:28 梅州市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))

單號:EV0*020*0*2CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:中國 -> 澳大利亞
2024-05-29 13:58 LEPPINGTON NSW, Delivered
2024-05-29 09:38 KEMPS CREEK NSW, Onboard for delivery
2024-05-29 06:51 In transit to next facility in KEMPS CREEK NSW
2024-05-29 02:05 KEMPS CREEK NSW, Item processed at facility
2024-05-28 22:14 KEMPS CREEK NSW, Arrived at sorting facility
2024-05-28 21:29 In transit to next facility in KEMPS CREEK NSW
2024-05-28 18:03 KEMPS CREEK NSW, Item processed at facility
2024-05-28 17:30 KEMPS CREEK NSW, Arrived at sorting facility
2024-05-28 13:27 SYDNEY NSW, International arrival - awaiting clearance
2024-05-24 04:08 GUANGZHOU (CN), CHINA, Cleared and awaiting international departure
2024-05-24 03:32 GUANGZHOU (CN), CHINA, Arrived at facility
2024-05-23 17:35 CHINA, Received item from Sender (Outbound)
2024-05-29 13:58 【AU】已妥投
2024-05-29 09:38 已到達【AU】投遞局
2024-05-29 02:05 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-28 18:03 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-28 13:28 到達寄達地
2024-05-28 13:27 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-26 16:51 飛機進港
2024-05-26 08:42 航空公司啟運
2024-05-25 09:12 航空公司接收
2024-05-25 08:58 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-24 06:25 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-24 04:08 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-24 04:07 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-24 03:32 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 20:47 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-23 20:46 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-23 17:35 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
單號:EV0*02*****CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (4 天)
國家:中國 -> 新加坡
2024-05-28 15:48 Delivered
2024-05-28 11:11 Out for Delivery
2024-05-27 23:58 Item is being processed. Your item will be delivered within 3 working days
2024-05-27 22:38 Arrived at Singapore Hub
2024-05-28 15:48 【SG】已妥投
2024-05-28 11:11 離開【SG】處理中心
2024-05-27 22:38 到達寄達地
2024-05-27 22:38 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-26 22:13 飛機進港
2024-05-26 18:47 航空公司啟運
2024-05-26 09:28 航空公司接收
2024-05-26 07:11 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-25 05:33 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-25 04:24 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-25 04:23 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-25 03:11 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-24 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-24 20:42 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-24 17:42 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0*0******CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (9 天)
國家:中國 -> 意大利
2024-05-29 15:13 Centro Operativo SDA Atripalda (AV), Consegnata
2024-05-29 10:11 Centro Operativo SDA Atripalda (AV), In consegna
2024-05-28 22:46 Hub Nord, In transito
2024-05-28 22:46 Hub Nord, Partita dal Centro Operativo SDA
2024-05-28 14:50 Centro Scambi Internazionale Milano Gateway Poste Italiane, In lavorazione presso il Centro Scambi Internazionale
2024-05-28 14:50 Milano Gateway Poste Italiane, Partita dal Centro Operativo SDA
2024-05-24 04:30 Centro Scambi Internazionale Cina, Partito dal Centro Scambi Internazionale
2024-05-24 04:09 Centro Scambi Internazionale Cina, La verifica per lo svincolo della spedizione è conclusa
2024-05-24 03:30 Centro Scambi Internazionale Cina, E' in corso la verifica per lo svincolo della spedizione
2024-05-24 03:29 Centro Scambi Internazionale Cina, In lavorazione presso il Centro Scambi Internazionale
2024-05-23 17:40 Ufficio Postale Cina, Presa in carico da Ufficio Postale
2024-05-29 15:13 【IT】已妥投
2024-05-29 10:11 已到達【IT】投遞局
2024-05-29 07:38 已到達【IT】投遞局
2024-05-28 22:47 離開境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-28 22:46 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-28 21:40 梅州市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-28 14:51 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-28 14:50 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-28 14:49 到達寄達地
2024-05-26 08:00 飛機進港
2024-05-26 00:15 航空公司啟運
2024-05-25 08:11 航空公司接收
2024-05-25 07:58 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-24 06:25 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-24 04:10 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-24 04:09 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-24 03:30 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-23 20:47 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-23 20:46 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-23 17:40 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-21 16:44 梅州市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))

單號:EV0*****0**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:中國 -> 韓國
2024-05-23 13:07 YEONGDONG, Delivery complete, Recipient : ?**(), Result : Delivery complete
2024-05-23 08:38 YEONGDONG, Delivery preparation
2024-05-23 08:05 YEONGDONG, Arrival at Office of Exchange
2024-05-23 07:01 Integrated Mail Center, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-22 17:50 Integrated Mail Center, Arrival at Office of Exchange
2024-05-22 14:27 INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-22 09:15 INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-18 04:32 CNCAND, Ready for dispatch, Dispatch number : CNCANDKRSELBAEM45891, Flight/Ship No
2024-05-18 03:06 CNCAND, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-17 17:40 514000, Posting/Collection, Posting office zip code : 514000, Transit or Destination country : KOREA
2024-05-23 13:07 【KR】已妥投
2024-05-23 08:43 【KR】安排投遞
2024-05-23 08:38 已到達【KR】投遞局
2024-05-22 17:50 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-22 14:27 離開【KR】處理中心
2024-05-22 09:16 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 09:15 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 09:07 到達寄達地
2024-05-21 10:00 飛機進港
2024-05-21 05:50 航空公司啟運
2024-05-20 12:14 航空公司接收
2024-05-20 10:18 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-18 05:54 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-18 04:32 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-18 04:32 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-18 03:07 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-17 20:42 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-17 20:42 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-17 17:40 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件

單號:EV0*****0**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:中國 -> 韓國
2024-05-23 13:07 YEONGDONG, Delivery complete, Recipient : ?**(), Result : Delivery complete
2024-05-23 08:38 YEONGDONG, Delivery preparation
2024-05-23 08:05 YEONGDONG, Arrival at Office of Exchange
2024-05-23 07:01 Integrated Mail Center, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-22 17:50 Integrated Mail Center, Arrival at Office of Exchange
2024-05-22 14:27 INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Departure from inward office of exchange
2024-05-22 09:15 INTERNATIONAL POST OFFICE, Arrival at inward office of exchange
2024-05-18 04:32 CNCAND, Ready for dispatch, Dispatch number : CNCANDKRSELBAEM45891, Flight/Ship No
2024-05-18 03:06 CNCAND, Arrival at outward office of exchange
2024-05-17 17:40 514000, Posting/Collection, Posting office zip code : 514000, Transit or Destination country : KOREA
2024-05-23 13:07 【KR】已妥投
2024-05-23 08:43 【KR】安排投遞
2024-05-23 08:38 已到達【KR】投遞局
2024-05-22 17:50 到達境外經(jīng)轉(zhuǎn)局
2024-05-22 14:27 離開【KR】處理中心
2024-05-22 09:16 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 09:15 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-22 09:07 到達寄達地
2024-05-21 10:00 飛機進港
2024-05-21 05:50 航空公司啟運
2024-05-20 12:14 航空公司接收
2024-05-20 10:18 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-18 05:54 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-18 04:32 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-18 04:32 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-18 03:07 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-17 20:42 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-17 20:42 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-17 17:40 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
單號:EV0*****0**CN 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (9 天)
國家:中國 -> 法國
2024-05-23 12:16 Livraison effectuée
2024-05-23 12:16 【FR】已妥投
2024-05-23 10:56 到達寄達地
2024-05-23 08:15 【FR】安排投遞
2024-05-23 06:15 已到達【FR】投遞局
2024-05-22 12:33 離開【FR】處理中心
2024-05-22 10:33 境外進口海關(guān)放行
2024-05-22 07:37 送交境外進口海關(guān)
2024-05-22 07:35 到達寄達地處理中心
2024-05-21 11:17 飛機進港
2024-05-20 11:07 航空公司啟運
2024-05-19 12:33 飛機進港
2024-05-19 10:53 航空公司啟運
2024-05-19 08:20 航空公司接收
2024-05-19 08:00 廣州市, 已交承運商運輸
2024-05-17 05:21 廣州市, 郵件離開【廣州市國際互換局】,正在發(fā)往下一站
2024-05-17 04:07 廣州市, 【廣州市國際互換局】已出口直封
2024-05-17 04:07 廣州市, 出口海關(guān)/放行
2024-05-17 03:00 廣州市, 送交出口海關(guān)
2024-05-16 20:43 梅州市, 郵件離開【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】,正在發(fā)往【廣州國際】
2024-05-16 20:43 梅州市, 郵件已在【梅州市商企客戶攬投部】完成分揀,準備發(fā)出
2024-05-16 17:54 梅州市, 中國郵政 已收取郵件
2024-05-15 02:58 梅州市, 您的郵件已通過歐盟海關(guān)的審核,發(fā)往下環(huán)節(jié)處理
2024-05-15 00:42 梅州市, 根據(jù)歐盟海關(guān)的要求,您的郵件正在預(yù)報關(guān)(2023年10月2日起,所有入境歐盟的航空物品類郵件需進行預(yù)報關(guān))
單號:****2******* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-25 15:06 SIN - SINGAPORE, Delivered
2024-05-25 01:21 SIN - SINGAPORE, Out for Delivery
2024-05-24 16:49 SIN - SINGAPORE, Arrived Hub
2024-05-24 13:22 SIN - SINGAPORE, Arrived Depot
2024-05-23 16:00 HKG - HONG KONG, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-22 17:03 HKG - HONG KONG, Sorted to Destination
2024-05-22 17:00 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-22 11:39 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-21 11:00 Guangzhou (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-21 02:00 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-20 10:19 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-20 09:49 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Collection
2024-05-18 13:20 China Other - CHINA, Documentation Prepared
2024-05-18 13:20 China Other - CHINA, Shipment Finalised

單號:****2*****0* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-27 17:54 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Delivered
2024-05-27 07:29 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Out for Delivery
2024-05-27 07:25 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Out for Delivery
2024-05-27 07:25 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Arrived Hub
2024-05-26 10:45 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Arrived Hub
2024-05-26 00:00 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-25 16:15 HKG - HONG KONG, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-23 12:40 HKG - HONG KONG, Sorted to Destination
2024-05-23 12:39 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-23 12:39 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-22 11:00 Guangzhou (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-22 02:00 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-21 10:26 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-21 09:56 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Collection
2024-05-20 14:47 China Other - CHINA, Documentation Prepared
2024-05-20 14:47 China Other - CHINA, Shipment Finalised
單號:****2***2*** 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-28 13:06 Perth - AUSTRALIA, Delivered
2024-05-28 10:12 Perth - AUSTRALIA, Out for Delivery
2024-05-28 05:56 Perth - AUSTRALIA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-28 05:56 Perth - AUSTRALIA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-28 05:52 Perth - AUSTRALIA, Arrived Depot
2024-05-25 15:31 HONG KONG, Linehaul Departure from Country
2024-05-25 15:30 HKG - HONG KONG, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-24 17:54 HKG - HONG KONG, Sorted to Destination
2024-05-24 17:41 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-24 11:32 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-23 11:00 Guangzhou (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-23 02:00 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-22 11:00 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-22 10:30 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Collection
2024-05-21 00:35 China Other - CHINA, Documentation Prepared
2024-05-21 00:35 China Other - CHINA, Shipment Finalised
單號:****2******* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (8 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-24 09:47 Auckland - NEW ZEALAND, Delivered
2024-05-23 07:08 Auckland - NEW ZEALAND, Arrived Depot
2024-05-21 15:30 HKG - HONG KONG, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-20 12:39 HKG - HONG KONG, Sorted to Destination
2024-05-20 12:38 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-20 12:09 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-18 11:00 Guangzhou (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-18 02:00 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-17 11:08 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-17 10:38 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Collection
2024-05-16 17:43 China Other - CHINA, Documentation Prepared
2024-05-16 17:43 China Other - CHINA, Shipment Finalised

單號:****2******* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-24 09:22 Brisbane Airport (BRA) - AUSTRALIA, Delivered
2024-05-24 09:03 Brisbane Airport (BRA) - AUSTRALIA, Out for Delivery
2024-05-24 09:01 Brisbane Airport (BRA) - AUSTRALIA, Shipment Awaiting Scheduled Delivery
2024-05-24 07:09 Brisbane Airport (BRA) - AUSTRALIA, Out for Delivery
2024-05-23 16:25 Botany - AUSTRALIA, Sorted to Destination
2024-05-23 16:25 Botany - AUSTRALIA, Arrived Depot
2024-05-23 13:22 AUSTRALIA, Arrived Depot
2024-05-23 13:22 Sydney - AUSTRALIA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-23 13:22 Sydney - AUSTRALIA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-23 13:22 AUSTRALIA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-22 19:05 Shanghai (shanghai) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-22 18:53 Shanghai (Shanghai) - CHINA, Linehaul Departure from Country
2024-05-22 03:00 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-21 10:23 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-21 09:53 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Collection
2024-05-18 14:24 China Other - CHINA, Documentation Prepared
2024-05-18 14:24 China Other - CHINA, Shipment Finalised
單號:****2*****0* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (6 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-25 11:05 SIN - SINGAPORE, Delivered
2024-05-25 08:00 SIN - SINGAPORE, Out for Delivery
2024-05-24 16:42 SIN - SINGAPORE, Arrived Hub
2024-05-24 13:22 SIN - SINGAPORE, Arrived Depot
2024-05-23 15:30 Guangzhou (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-22 03:00 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-21 10:25 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-21 09:55 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Collection
2024-05-19 11:52 China Other - CHINA, Documentation Prepared
2024-05-19 11:52 China Other - CHINA, Shipment Finalised
單號:****2***2*** 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (7 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-27 23:27 MNL - PHILIPPINES, Delivered
2024-05-27 08:19 MNL - PHILIPPINES, Out for Delivery
2024-05-27 08:15 MNL - PHILIPPINES, Arrived Hub
2024-05-26 15:00 HKG - HONG KONG, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-24 15:22 HKG - HONG KONG, Sorted to Destination
2024-05-24 15:21 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-24 11:32 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-23 11:00 Guangzhou (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-23 02:00 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-22 10:59 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-22 10:29 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Collection
2024-05-21 00:35 China Other - CHINA, Documentation Prepared
2024-05-21 00:35 China Other - CHINA, Shipment Finalised
單號:****2***2*** 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (11 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-28 18:08 MY1 - MALAYSIA, Delivered
2024-05-28 10:38 MY1 - MALAYSIA, Out for Delivery
2024-05-28 06:50 MY1 - MALAYSIA, Arrived Depot
2024-05-28 01:20 MY1 - MALAYSIA, Sorted to Destination
2024-05-28 01:16 MY1 - MALAYSIA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-27 22:00 KUL - MALAYSIA, Arrived Depot
2024-05-27 21:57 KUL - MALAYSIA, Arrived Depot
2024-05-27 20:49 KUL - MALAYSIA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-26 16:15 HKG - HONG KONG, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-24 15:12 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-23 11:00 Guangzhou (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-23 02:00 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-22 10:58 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-22 10:28 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Collection
2024-05-18 15:39 China Other - CHINA, Documentation Prepared
2024-05-18 15:39 China Other - CHINA, Shipment Finalised

單號:****2******* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (7 天)
國家:未知 -> 未知
2024-05-23 15:20 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Delivered
2024-05-23 07:18 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Out for Delivery
2024-05-23 07:14 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Out for Delivery
2024-05-23 07:12 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Arrived Hub
2024-05-23 06:04 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, Sorted to Destination
2024-05-23 06:04 Dubai - UNITED ARAB EMIRATES, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-22 16:15 HKG - HONG KONG, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-20 16:25 HKG - HONG KONG, Sorted to Destination
2024-05-20 16:22 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-20 12:13 HKG - HONG KONG, Arrived Hub
2024-05-18 11:00 Guangzhou (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-18 02:00 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, In Transit to Destination
2024-05-17 11:07 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Arrived Hub
2024-05-17 10:37 Shenzhen (guangdong) - CHINA, Collection
2024-05-17 01:27 China Other - CHINA, Documentation Prepared
2024-05-17 01:27 China Other - CHINA, Shipment Finalised
單號:NC******2**BR 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (32 天)
國家:巴西 -> 未知
2024-05-23 11:05 PE, Objeto entregue ao destinatário
2024-05-23 09:59 PE, Objeto saiu para entrega ao destinatário
2024-05-22 10:45 PE, Objeto em transferência - por favor aguarde
2024-05-11 13:11 PR, Objeto em transferência - por favor aguarde
2024-05-11 13:11 PR, Saída do Centro Internacional
2024-05-11 06:07 PR, Pagamento confirmado
2024-05-09 23:40 PR, Fiscaliza??o aduaneira concluída - aguardando pagamento
2024-05-09 20:45 PR, Análise concluída - importa??o autorizada
2024-05-08 10:50 PR, Informa??es eletr?nicas enviadas para análise da autoridade aduaneira
2024-05-07 01:30 PR, Objeto recebido pelos Correios do Brasil
2024-04-22 05:41 CHINA, Objeto postado
單號:MP00******2* 狀態(tài):成功簽收 (5 天)
國家:澳大利亞 -> 未知
2024-05-23 09:46 Signature Obtained, Maryborough, Your parcel has been delivered and a signature obtained.
2024-05-23 06:50 Onboard, Maryborough, Your parcel is with your local courier and ready for delivery.
2024-05-23 05:45 Onboard, Maryborough, Your parcel is with your local courier and ready for delivery.
2024-05-22 08:49 In transit, Brisbane, Your parcel is currently in transit to Maryborough.
2024-05-22 08:48 Pick-up, Brisbane, Your parcel has been picked up by one of our couriers.
2024-05-19 02:00 Consignment is being processed, Brisbane, Your parcel is being processed at the sender's sortation facility. For any enquiries, please contact your sender.
2024-05-19 02:00 Consignment Information Approved, Brisbane, Your shipping information has been approved.
2024-05-19 02:00 Consignment Information Submitted, Brisbane, Your shipping information has been submitted to Aramex.